Saturday, December 17, 2016

FNSI December

I started a new project last night for FNSI. Tried hard not to start anything new but i couldn't resist this cute new pattern by Gail.
When i bought this pattern a little freebie card arrived along with it that had a cute little stitchery on it. This is what i made earlier in the week.
Thankyou Wendy for being a lovely hostess for FNSI. Pop over to Wendy's blog to find the links to see what everyone worked on last night.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 10, 2016


During the week i finished the 2 stitcheries that i started for FNwF. Although Pudding Ted is a pillow i'm going to turn it into a mini
I'm thinking a mini for the reindeer too.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 3, 2016

FnwF December

Boy did this one come around fast. I think i missed 2016 somehow as it's hard to believe December is here already. Due to a few happenings yesterday i kinda forgot about the sew in until about 3-4 pm yesterday afternoon. Damn there went my sewing plans. Anyhoodle i grabbed out a couple of stitcheries i wanted to start. Got them traced & managed to get a few stitches in.
This cute little reindeer is a freebie on Michelle's blog. Thankyou Michelle. The other stitchery is a kit i bought a few years back & had forgotten about until recently. I was cleaning my patterns, mags & books out & tidying up those i'm keeping & there it was.
Pudding Ted also by Michelle.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll's blog to find links to see what everyone worked on last night,

Happy Stitching,

Stitching & garden surprises.

 I've been catching up on my nine patches AGAIN. :) Total to date is 280 of each size. Some Lucy blocks. The partly finished one has bee...