Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Mail today

We thought we could hear the front gate today my daughter & i but my son tells us we are hearing things. I go to my bedroom to shut my blind & from an angle i can see the steps. I came tearing out of my room to say to my kids "we weren't hearing things". There was 3 parcels on the doorstep. This is what i found.

This is my lovely mug hug and mat from Denyse in Brazil. Aren't they sweet.
I also found these in the parcel. A lovely handmade card & a piece of fabric in my favourite colours. Thankyou so much Denyse.

I was reading on a blog somewhere about watching Anne Of Green gables. I love that show so i went surfing on eBay &  found what i was after. Have to find time tomorrow to start watching. I was expecting a book or 2 to arrive so was a bit surprised to find the 3rd parcel soft. I turned it over & discovered it was from my friend Joy.

Joy had mentioned last week about finding some lovely spotties at her local patchwork shop. She then posted a photo on her blog. I asked her would she pretty please get me some & she did. Isn't Joy great. Then to my surprise i found a little something extra.

Joy had included a copy of her brand new pattern which i'm informed no one else has. Aren't i lucky. Though Joy you do realise i now have to go on another fabric buying excursion.
 Hugs, Jeanette

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Fabulous Weekend

My weekend away started on Friday. Khris & Naomi picked me up on Friday at 11am. We then proceeded to the local pub for lunch where we were met by Anita & Helena. Another delicious lunch. :) Then we drove down to where we were spending the weekend. Following us to arrive was Marg & Diana closely followed by Cath & Sharon from New Zealand. Later on Maree & Helen arrived.

 We settled into some lovely cabins with great views. I got to share with Naomi, Sharon & Helena. I had great fun with the girls. The food was fabulous & we ate too much over the 2 days. Breakfast was in our cabins but morning tea, luch, afternoon tea & dinner was served in the dining room.  Saturday some of drove back to Ipswich to attend the Handmade market.  That was great as usual.
I didn't get a lot of stitching done but i don't care. It was so relaxing to just sit back & relax & chat with new friends. Can't wait until the next one. Sorry no photo's. I'll have to ask one of the girls to email me copies of all theirs. :)post signature

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lunch Today

Forgot to post a photo earlier of a pattern i got yesterday. Can't wait to start this one. I also got my copy of Rosalie Quinlan's "A Stitch In Time".

 Our day started with Joy picking me up. We then proceeded to The Country Quilt Co to meet Khris, Naomi & Sharon. We did a little browsing & buying.

Damn new camera & it's weird settings.  It given the photo's an orange hue.

I bought 2 patterns, buttons, a hanger & 2 packets of keys at the patchwork shop. We then proceeded to Bargain Box for some fabric purchases.
This is the piece i bought. After that we went to the local hotel's restaurant for a delicious lunch. I had a fabulous day out again in great company. Can't wait to meet up with the girls again tomorrow for our weekend away sewing.

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MY Lovely Day Out Yesterday

I wanted to post this last night but like most of East Australia i woke up to this. By days end i had sore eyes, sore throat from coughing all day & a headache.

In the morning Cath came & picked me up for a lovely day out in Corinda. She brought along Sharon from New Zealand. We then drove down to Marg's for a delicious morning tea. Eventually Maree arrived followed by Khris & Naomi up from Adelaide for out weekend away this weekend.  Sorry didn't take my camera for photo's. have to ask one of the girls can i pinch theirs. Then we prededed out to luch where i enjoyed lovely roast pork. Back to \Margs we went for fabric shopping. marg runs a patchwork business form home. Yes i did buy more fabrics. Who could resist thees bundles?

i just had to add these 2 pieces as well. Thanks girls for a wonderful day out. But wait there's more. The lovely Joy is driving to Ipswich today to join Khris, Naomi, Sharon & I for lunch and there was a mention of possibly more fabric shopping locally. :)

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First September finish

I needed a pincushion to put on my new cutting table so rather than throw out this chipped coffee cup it has become the pincushion. I've finished a couple of things for swaps i'm in but can't show photo's of those yet.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

My Lovely, Lovely Surprise

Yesterday whilst i was sewing i heard a strange noise at the front of my house. Thought i'd better investigate. as i was walking along the side verandah i heard a soft "plop". Ooo a parcel. Maybe it's finally the 2 books i've been waiting for. I picked up the parcel & it felt very soft, to soft for books. So i was very puzzled as i was not expecting any parcels. So i looked to see the sender & as you can see it's from overseas.
To say i was astonished is an understatement. Do you remember my post a while back about sending Christams in July gifts to America to a lady who missed out? Well she sent me a totally unexpected gift of fabrics, I was so thrilled i had tears in my eyes. Aren't the fabrics just gorgeous? And my favourits colours too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My "new" sewing room, Well some of it anyway. :)

Ever since the House Elf moved out i've been trying to get my sewing room sorted. Still at it. : (:.But i wanted to show a photo of my new cutting table. I got the idea from Lurline. Thanks for that Lurline. If you are wondering what the frame is behind the cutting table it's the start of my quilting frame. Silly me forgot that it needs a table to hold it up so that put a spanner in the works setting it up. :(. Hopefully i'll soon have a stand/table made signature

Saturday, September 5, 2009

civil war brides quilt

I'm trying out the new settings for posting & i'm not sure i like them.
This is the background fabric i'm thinking of using if there is enough. If not i'll use quilters muslin thats in my stash.Thes are the gorgeous fat 16th's in the starter pack i purchased to get myself going. Not a big range of civil war or repro fabrics to be had where i live. Here is a photo of the quilt & just look it's loaded sideways.
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FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...