Sunday, June 26, 2022

scrappy quilt.

Despite careful sewing, measuring, cutting & pinning things just weren't working out when i tried adding the 2 round of squares so before the quilt ended up in the naughty corner i decided to just make it a lap quilt.

 Now that it's done i shall move onto  2 new projects & start sewing the squares again as leaders & enders until i get enough to make the original pattern.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, June 18, 2022


 My day for FNSI hosted by Wendy started with a ufo from a few years back.

I thought i'd be chain piecing 2-1/2 squares for it but when i opened the tin I was using for storage i found it was quite full of squares already pieced together. :) The original pattern i'm following is a square quilt but i wanted it rectangle. I had to unpick what i'd sewed of the quilt to get a rectangle shape. I manged to add 3 rows each side, 4 top & bottom then the grey borders before it was time to stop. As i'm winging it i need to work out how many rows to add to get it to a decent single bed size.

Or maybe i should quit while i'm a head & turn this into a lap quilt & just make the square quilt .lol. Not like i don't have enough scraps to cut out more 2-1/2" squares. I've plenty of the gray fabric to start again.

Night time saw me stitching the 6th of the 10 stitcheries i needed to redo.

Pop over to Wendy's blog for links to who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 13, 2022

Churn Dash SAL

 Since the churn dash block is one of my favourites & Chookyblue mention making another & a sew along was hatched i decide to join in. The goal 8 blocks a month & complete the quilt in October, Well the top anyway. :) 

I've has my fabrics chosen for a little while. All repro's. Background is a Jo Morton. Main fabrics are from a fat 1/4" bundle "collection for a cause" fabrics by Barbara Brackman. The 2 other fabrics for sashings & borders arrived the other day & they are from Jo Morton & Betsy Chutchian.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Festive Flocks

 My red & white quilt "festive flocks" is officially a flimsy. If there is anymore mistakes they are staying there. I finished it off yesterday & posted a photo on various medias & it was kindly pointed out to me that some of my flock had decided to fly different directions. Shit, seriously how did i not notice that when pressing the blocks & laying them out to see which blocks i'd like where as there are some brighter reds than others & i wanted to try & separate them where possible. So all photo's taken down & back to the machine to rectify my mistake. 3 rows in 3 blocks upside down. :(.  Silly thing is whilst putting the top together i though several times "i hope all the birds are round the right way" but instead of stopping & checking i just kept merrily sewing.

Anyway about the top. I changed how the sashings were added. The patterns said to cut 18- 1/2" & 20-1/2" sashings which i did. They were added to sides & bottoms only. I then read about how the border was done after looking at the picture & wondering why there was a little square in on corner. Hmm i didn't like that so refigured how the sashings would be added so that i could add borders in one piece. Then another light bulb moment. Why not one long sashing across the quilt between each row. So that is what i did & now i have a pile of left over strips i needn't have cut in the first place if whoever had designed the quilt did the same as me. :)

Top measures 62" square. I had considered adding another 3 blocks to make it rectangle. If i had cut them when i did the other blocks i may have done but by the time i did the last blocks i was ready to move on to my next quilt.

happy Stitching,

Monday, June 6, 2022

Sunday sewing

 Hst's trimmed i could get stuck into making blocks. i only managed 2 before i needed to do more yard work.

Block 2

and the 3 together

I had left my blocks on the ironing board & Lil P thought i hadn't pressed them enough. Luckily she isn't the very furry cat.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Red & White blocks.

 Now that i knew how to cut the red fabrics so i didn't have any waste i prepared what was needed. Then matching the squares up of red & white i drew lines for the magic 8 blocks & set them aside until all were done but my helper must have thought they needed pressing.

To early silly kitty i'm just drawing lines. That done over to the sewing machine where more help was given.

After that she left because my son had scared her when he opened the gate beside my sewing room.

After cutting 24 blocks into the half square triangles it was onto pressing them. Oh so many to press. Then comes the trimming. I only have a couple of piles done as i need to get out into the yard & get it tidied up from all the rain making weed, grass & the plants(they badly need pruning again) grow.

Then later on another of the  pests  cats decided sleeping on my cut of fabrics would be comfy.

Ah well such is the life of a cat owner .:)

Happy Stitching,


Saturday, June 4, 2022

FNwF June

For FNwF hosted by Cheryll i started early. I've managed to get 2 blocks re-stitched from my cutting stuff up last week so they were double checked for the correct size before trimming. :)

I've wanted to make a red &white quilt for a while & when in a birthday fat 1/4 swap many years back hosted by Cheryll i asked for the colour red. All i needed then was a pattern. Last year Family Circle i found a quilt pattern that i liked & it was done in red & white.

I'd already worked out that using fat 1/4's would work with this pattern but because of the cutting instructions i was going to be careful so i didn't waste fabric. I decided to make just one block. The white fabric was easy to cut out being just the one fabric. :)

complete with a "fancy" labelling system. lol

 After some fun & games making up the block it was finally done

It took a wee bit longer than i thought due to some reverse sewing, losing a half square triangle, making up another then after the block was sewn i found the missing one. Though i tried to match up seams as blocks were sewn together there was some fixing there to do as well. Block measures 18-1/2" So now i'm off to make the other 8.

Pop over here to see who joined in

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...