Friday, July 26, 2024

Stitching & garden surprises.

 I've been catching up on my nine patches AGAIN. :) Total to date is 280 of each size.

Some Lucy blocks. The partly finished one has been temporarily abandoned whilst i work on Chookshed Challenge #1

and my garden surprises,
a lonely little snowdrop. If my memory serves me correct this is the pot i planted the bulbs in from Mums.
and a jonquil flowering way down near the bulb & a 2nd one on the left getting ready to flower.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 20, 2024


 I started FNSI making bias strips. I had several pieces left from when i made the blocks that were long enough to use so i counted how many were still needed & prepped them. That done i then proceeded to pin then onto the quilt top only to discover i was 4 short. Must of had a brain fart because i know i counted correctly (twice).

That done i took a coffee break then turned on Netflix & proceeded to sew. I'm not that fast or good any more because of the osteo in my fingers but i will persevere. :)

By bed time i have 5 strips down & started on the 6th
just the 2 on the left & the 3 on the far side & then it's onto the flowers & leaves. The curved vines aren't the best but i had to wing it just using the phot from the magazine as a guide line & the top of the flowers are sewn down an inch for the green border line. I didn't cut where it goes under the bottom flowers as i thought it wouldn't line up with that great of a curve if i did.

Despite being winter i am finding colour in the garden



 pansies, violas, snapdragons & a sole osteopermum( African Daisy) flower

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My sewing week.

 My RSC blocks are done

and caught up on 4 weeks worth of nine patches

I can concentrate on my challenge project with all that done. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 6, 2024

FNwF July

 To start my FNwF i prepped the baskets for this months rsc

then lost a few hours on a Dr's visit before sitting down in the evening to start sewing them to the backgrounds.
I managed 3 before tiredness overtook me. :)

Pop over the visit out lovely hostess Cheryll to see who joined in. Thanks for hosting us again Cheryll.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, July 1, 2024

July Chookshed Challenge is.......

 Number one which is my wreath quilt.

The blocks have all been stitched & the flowers for the border made. I'm guessing it's around 20 years old now. :).  I'm not going to curve the border edges per the photo. I'll just have straight edges but the vines will have curves to them. Hopefully this will be a quilt top by months end. :~

Happy stitching,

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge #10 & RSC blocks.

 Last minute sewing saw the Karma quilt done. It looked like this at the start of the month

yesterday i added to borders, quilted it & sewed the binding down

I made my blue circles & cracker box blocks earlier in the week

& the baskets yesterday
I've been making 1/2" hexie diamonds

and prepping Lucy blocks but i forgot to take photos of them laid out. :)

Now to find up the aqua fabrics & wait for next months challenge number.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 I had planned to sew for FNSI but i really lack any enthusiasm to sit & sew. I pottered around for a while then dragged out the Lucy box to prep some more blocks. Some yummy fabrics had arrived during the week that i wanted to add into the blocks.

I got this block done

Started this one when interrupted by my brother in his search for a new house (he doesn't have internet)

Then the day went down hill. The dog needed to see the vet & the news was not good.
Here we are waiting for my daughter to get to the vets from work to make the decision on what to do. Sadly it was decided to put Nymeria to sleep. She was 11 years old. :( :(.

So the above block was finished when i made it back home. I only had 6 blues to make.

I started 3rd block but the sad day caught up with me & i went to bed.

Pop over here to visit our lovely host Wendy to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lucy Boston

 I finished the last of the five prepped in the last zoom i was on & wanted to lay them out to see how many more i need to make to fit a queen size bed. I have 30 so maybe another 10 or more. I'd better get cracking on making the filler blocks up too. :)

Trying to get a decent photo was a little hard. Especially when the do & cat decided they need to walk through. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 10, 2024

nine patch catch up.....

 ........again. :)

Weeks 20 & 21

Plus another bowl cosy yesterday
Watering the garden the other day & discovered what i thought was a weed growing in amongst my bulb. On closer inspection it turned out to be a lonely little sweet pea plant.
When the ones i planted last year developed a seed i left it there to burst open & spread seed for this year. I hadn't seen any so thought that wasn't a success so seeing this little one growing made me happy. :)

Found a zygo i had bought last year had burst into bloom
one of Mum's Zygos has flowers forming so i'd better keep an eye on it. 

Happy Stitching,

Stitching & garden surprises.

 I've been catching up on my nine patches AGAIN. :) Total to date is 280 of each size. Some Lucy blocks. The partly finished one has bee...