Saturday, September 21, 2024

FNSI September.

My project for FNSI hosted by Wendy is one of my challenge EPP ufo's. This one is my coffin quilt & i'm on the last side adding pieces. I was nearly finished last night but found i was about 3 short. Hmm must learn to count better. LOL. Time for bed by then & sort the missing pieces out later.

after i add the final pieces it just needs a trim & then onto the quilting pile it shall go. So that will, cross fingers, be 3 EPP projects moved along.

I've been having a good old cleanout & as i was doing so i discovered several more EPP projects i had forgotten about. Whoopsie. :) Add them to my list so i don't forget them again.

Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

there is so much work in that EPP quilt.... yes, cleaning up does unearth all sorts of distractions!

Julie said...

I remember you working diligently on your coffins as long as I've been following you Jeanette. That is SO much work! You must be chuffed it can go into the quilting pile - well done! I hope you are feeling a bit improved healthwise now Jeanette?

FNSI September.

My project for FNSI hosted by Wendy  is one of my challenge EPP ufo's. This one is my coffin quilt & i'm on the last side adding...