Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

embroidery, finishes & advent gifts

Michelle & Paula posted the last blocks of their free BOM's early in December & i finally remembered to take a photo. :) Paula gave us the last to blocks so we could finish in time for Christmas but i think that mine will be a New Year project. Need to fabric shop first. lol
Shell's heart,
Paula's m & e blocks. 2 finishes i've had this week
Gail's free Christmas stitchery &
May Britt's free Christmas design. I opened the next 4 Advent gifts to find: day 17
bracelet, lovely smelling sachet & mini bon bon. Day 18
another cute cat on a tea towel, dmc thread & this cute bon bon. Day 19
mirror compact & matching lipstick holder, tissues & candy cane. Day 20
yummy mini Christmas cake, nail care kit & mini bon bon. Lots of lovely things for me. :) Thanks Pat.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 18, 2011


 Now that we've been able to open our 12 gifts in the Santa sack exchange i can show you the hand made goodies i made Shez so long ago. All i gave you back then was sneaky peeks. To see all the gifts visit Shez's blog.
I love this pattern.
I found these patterns of Fee's in a magazine. Love them too.
These little cuties were in a Homespun mag. I put homegrown lavender in it. lastly i made 2 of these little circle baskets. The pattern is on a blog somewhere. I put my new circle cutter to good use on them. :)
Happy Stitching,

More lovely Advent gifts.

Day 13 i unwrapped my gift to find a fat 1/4 of Christmas fabric, a pot holder & a candy cane
day 14, a ham bag which i'll need this coming weekend, a gorgeous house wind chime & mini bon bon
Day15 i found another pretty potholder. Pat must have been reading my mind again as i'm in need of new ones. :) A lovely fat 1/4 & yummy candy cane.
Day 16 brought me this little cutie, a gorgeous bag with butterfly's all over it & another of those yummy mallow poles.
Thanks Pat for these fabulous gifts.

Happy Stitching, speaking of which i must take photo's of things i've been stitching. :) lol

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

catching up

Where to start as it's been a few days or since posting & i have lot's to show. I guess i'll start with the recipe folder we had to make. Our patchwork group collected recipes all year from each member as we did our supper nights. At the Christmas breakup we were to put our covered folders & a baby photo on a table then we had to try & guess who they all belonged to/were. Made for a fun evening trying to guess as well as the great company & food.
This is my folder & the first finish for December. Next up i had to make another of these for 1 of the kids
 I had made these little bitties as a gift idea but decided that i'd keep them & give them to the kids.
 Yesterday i went to a Christmas day out with Marg, Maree, Cath & her hubby Ronny. Lovely morning tea, followed by chinese for lunch then a delicious pavlova. Whilst there we all exchanged handmade gifts. I spent the last week or so making these gifts.
Table runner for Maree,
These travel shopping bags for Marg. As you can see they wrap up nicely to store in your luggage.
The Mammy doll for Cath &
a remote holder for Ronny. I made it to hang from a childs coat hanger. I also finished this bell ornament
I've opened the next 4 days gifts from Pat in the Advent swap. This is day nine,
day 10,
day 11
I just love this cute kitty. Day 12
 Thankyou Pat for these fabulous gifts. I feel so special. I recently took part in an ornament swap run by Tonya, I exchanged with 4 people in the US. Monday i came home from watching Puss In Boots with the kids to find 3 of the ornaments had arrived.
Thankyou ladies for the lovely ornaments. There all caught up. :) Tomorrow i get to open the 12 presents in the Santa sack exchange. Can't wait to see what i find.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Next 4 Advent gifts

Day 5 my gift from Pat was
a pocket diary, a skein of dmc thread & a mini bon bon. Day 6 the present was,
a yummy candy can with a lolly reindeer & a cute reindeer punch needle kit. Day 7 i found
this cute fibre optic tree & another bon bon. The bon bon was popped before i remembered to take a photo. lol. Today i found
a gorgeous purple bag & another of those yummy candy canes with reindeer attached & a small box of buttons in shades of brown. Thanks Pat love all the gifts.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lovely mail for me. :)

My parcel from Melody for our 6 gift swap arrived yesterday. Lovely goodies for me. :)
Love the purple ribbon. We could open 5 & the 6th to go under the tree.
The gifts were a beautiful book about cats, a bag which Melody appliqued a hexgon to which has a soap inside, a cute little angel ornament, a fat 1/4 & some spoons made of chocolate. Can't wait to try those out. :) Thanks Melody i love the gifts. Can't wait to see what's in number 6. :)

Then the postie delivered these patterns,
Bronwyn included a gorgeous notepad for me.

I'd forgotten to show last months block for Paula's BOM.
Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My day out & gifts

Friday i went with Cath to a quilt show where she had a stall. I meant to take my camera but in the morning rush of getting kids organised before i left i forgot it. Lot's of lovely goodies to see/buy & the quilts were all beautiful to look at. I got these off Cath,
i just think they are so cute. When arriving home i saw that a parcel had been delivered to me. Yay my SSCS swap had arrived,
I dutifully only opened the ornament parcel & discovered these gorgeous little bags from Odette.

Thankyou so much Odette. I love them. The other parcels are under my tree waiting patiently for Christmas day.

Thursday we were able to start opening our advent parcels. First parcel contained,
Rose soap & handcream along with a face washer & a cute mini bon bon. Pat must be a mind reader as i just discovered i'm in need of new face washers. Day 2 contained,
A Christmas card making kit, a needle holder/organiser & a yummy mallow pole. Day 3 i found
an exfoliating glove, a lip balm & another cute mini bon bon & today i found,

A cute mini tree that plugs into the computer by usb along with a candy cane just for me. :) Thanks Pat i love the gifts.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...