Sunday, December 6, 2009

My week part 3

Now i will be offline for a week. Internet issues. Just had to add these photo's to my posting. Be sure to scroll down the whole page to see all the postings. Coming back from being in town the other day we stopped at the pet shop. Well you know how that can be a bad idea. Yes we went back & purchased this cute & adorable puppy. Her name is Gypsy. Mind you when we left the shop it was pouring rain. The pet shop is a 5 minute walk from my home so we walked down & it wasn't raining then. Poor puppy had to be carried home in the rain.

Now i normally read back through my postings for typos before i hit the publish post button. Being so tired i didn't quite get them all this morning & i'm very embaressed about the typo in my part 2 post. Sorry Wendy it should have read "now proudly " not "not proudly". I'm so embaressed. So here's photo's to show you it's on my tree along with Melissas ornamnet.
And yes i've checked this posting for typo's
Ok slinking off now in shame. :)

Hugzz, Jeanette

my week part 2

I hadn't been having a very good week with personal issues & migraines & the only hightlight of my days has been opening all those lovely little gifties Jenny sent me in the Advent swap.Each day has brought forth lovely things. A gorgeous silk bag coloured purple with purple buttons, a tin full of yummy lollie, lavender soap, a cute little flowered shaped retractable tape measure & yes it's in my favourite colour - purple, a beautiful ceramic holder with a candle & todays offereing?  a gorgeous Christmas button. Ok if you are counting you'd know i've actually opened 7 presents not 6. Well Jenny had an extra in the box & sadi to me to open it if i was having a bad day. Turns out the last week was mostly all bad but i opened it yesterday.
The Thursday my ornament swap arrived from Wendy along with a handmade card. It's now hanging proudly on my tree. Then Friday the parcel man came not once but twice. He brought me the first time a parcel from America from Melissa who was my Secret Santa in Chookyblues swap.
This is what i pulled out of the box first. See the lovely "J" all in beads. Imagine my delight when i noticed tucked in the bottom thes small packages. totally unexpected. I've opened these ones along with the ornament.Here's the beautiful ornament Melissa made me. Such a cute cat. I love it. Thanks Melissa. Here's what i discovered it all the other little packages.
A Christmas notepad, Christmas tissues, Christmas stickers, a bath bauble, might need that relaxing soak Christmas night, & a thimble. Aren't i a lucky girl. Now you are probably wondering about the 2nd parcel. Well that is a special present from a very special friend in America. She sent me an Advent style parcel. I'm going to save the photo's of these special gifties for another posting. Big hugs & thankyou Kim.

Huzz, Jeanette

my week part 1

Forgot all about showing these 2 finishes from Novemeber & these 2 books

Gorgeous notebook covers i found in an issue of Handmade. Very simple to make.
A while ago i saw this book on Jenny's blog. It peaked my interest so i investigated & decided to buy it.
At about the same time i ordered this book & it arrived over a week ago. Thats how far behind i am in blogging. :( I finished reading it the same night. Great read as usual but now i have to wait until May 2010 for the next one.

Hugzz, Jeanette

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today is the day. :) finally

Well the 1st of December has finally arrived & i can start opening all those lovely gifts sent to me by Jenny.

Look at all these lovely gifts. All wrapped in gorgeous butterfly print paper except the main one which is in a lovely piece of Christmas fabric. Jenny didn't number the presents so i get to have a lucky dip. woo hoo.
Here's number 1. No i didn't take it first 'cause it was a big present.. I just stuck my hand in & that is what i pulled out. :)
And this is what i found. A lovely candle cover. Tried to get a clear photo. It has frangapanis etched around it. Aren't i lucky to get such a sweet gift. Thankyou Jenny.
Hugzz, Jeanette

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...