Sunday, October 30, 2011

Last 2 quilts

Yesterday i finally made it back to the machine to add the binding to the last 2 quilts. I was beginning to think my goal of having all 10 completed before the end of October was going to pass me by.
 I finished this topper last night. I've given it away to one of the kids as although i love the colours i've gone off country style.
I managed to get about 3/4's of the binding done last night on this & put the last stitches in a few minutes ago. I'm so thrilled to finally get these ufo's done out of the way after so many years.
Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1 Xmas Item A Month

Today is our 1 item a month posting day. I was beginning to think i wouldn't get my item made. I finished Sunday night, washed it yesterday morning & then framed it in the afternoon.
I didn't use the red Cosmo thread supplied with the pattern & pre-printed lined. I chose to use a Cottage Garden thread called Hugs N Kisses. Pop over to Narelle's to see what has been made this month

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This week

I finished binding the last quilt Tuesday night i think it was. I now have 8 out of the 10 completely finished. I was hoping to have the other 2 done by the end of October but as something has come up that is taking up my time i may not make it. :(
A while ago i took part in a Tilda swap on Cat's blog. Not sure why but a parcel didn't arrive for me. Cat, the lovely lady she is, insisted on sending me something. I said she didn't have to as not getting goodies one way or another is a risk you take when signing up for swaps. This week the parcel from Cat arrived.
The goodies were all tucked into the cute spotty bag.
& all wrapped up so nicely,
& inside was a gorgeous Tilda angel, choccies(my favourites), notebook & pen, teatowel, some musk lollies & the cute little soap teapot. Thanks again for playing Angel to me Cat.

Recently on a blog i saw a tree box made up & i was intrigued. I asked where i could get one & was given a link. It arrived on Friday.
I was told they did it as a class over 2 days. I'm thinking i need a class also. My daughter said she wanted one so i told she could make this one up. :) lol.

Yesterday i went to the quilt/craft show in Brisbane. I had a list of goodies i wanted. I basically stuck to it but couldn't get some of the things i wanted.
I found these lovely felt Christmas hangings. Be good for some swaps i'm in. :)
Jelly roll & layer cake of Flora. It's so pretty.
Matryoshka patterns,
reproduction fabrics,
these goodies & these
& lastly this
I bought the starter kit to go with it as well
 lot's of dies to play with. hehe.
As the stall was having 40% of dies i bough the apple core. I was hoping they had the hexagon dies but they had sold out Friday. I checked their website & the 40% sale was on it also so i've ordered the hexagons. I did also buy myself a magnify glass at the show. It twines around your sewing machine & comes with a light at the other end. It can also be hooked around your neck. Unfortunately for me the stall selling those had sold out but it's being sent postage free in a couple of weeks.

Happy Stitching,
PS: I forgot to mention i met up with Narelle & her mum for coffee at the show. They'd come down by bus for it from up Bundaberg way. So nice to meet you both. I also ran into Julie.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What i've been doing.

In between binding & cleaning last week i did manage to work on some other projects.
BOM's from Shell & Paula,
the embroidery part of a cushion pattern by Michelle for the Christmas club,
 & blocks for a quilt to be made for the out going president of the patchwork club. Sunday saw me back at the sewing machine to bind 4 more quilts.
These flying geese blocks were leftovers from a quilt i made about 3 years ago. Thought they would make a nice topper.
I did this as a BOM back in 2004/05 i think.
This isn't a UFO. I wasn't happy with the way it was quilted. I unpicked it all & had it quilted a different way. I'm so much happier with it. This hanging was made as a RR several years ago.
I made this sewing set for my partner Lisa in Sandy's keeper swap. I posted a sneak peek a couple of weeks back & as Lisa now has it i can show you it. Last night i finished binding the 4th quilt & now i am waiting for it to dry to take a photo. Just 2 more quilts & i'm done. YAY.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 14, 2011

yay 2 more done

I spent several nights this week getting 2 more quilts bound. When A Tisket A Tasket was offered as a free BOM in 2009 Anne did 2 versions, applique & redwork. I liked the look of both so that's what i did.
 The applique version,
& my redwork version. Buttons & ribbons needed to be added along with the bindings. I've been busy spring cleaning & haven't been able to get to the machine to bind any more of those UFO's. Hopefully this weekend i'll get there. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 10, 2011

2 down 8 to go.

 Sunday i sat down to start binding the 10 tops i've had quilted. 5 have been there for sometime. :( The other 5 i picked up Saturday. I manged to get the binding on 4 of the quilts & have 2 completely done.
First to be finished was Tis The Season. I started on this also last night
& just finished the binding. I'm so glad 1 ufo & 1 project from this year are out of the way. I also finished another project but as it's for a swap only a sneak peak allowed.
Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

sneak peeks.

I have a few small finishes to get October off to, hopefully, a good month of finishes. However i can't show much but a small peek as they are for swaps.

Recently on Fiona's blog she mentioned about making her own vanilla essence. I decided to give it a try & started it on the weekend.
I'm hoping it will be ready by Christmas.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...