Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1 Xmas Item A Month

Today is our 1 item a month posting day. I was beginning to think i wouldn't get my item made. I finished Sunday night, washed it yesterday morning & then framed it in the afternoon.
I didn't use the red Cosmo thread supplied with the pattern & pre-printed lined. I chose to use a Cottage Garden thread called Hugs N Kisses. Pop over to Narelle's to see what has been made this month

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

very cute Jeanette and it looks great in this verigated thread,well done.

FlourishingPalms said...

It's really pretty with the variegated red thread. Makes me think I need to look for Cottage Garden for a "Night Before Christmas" pillowcase, by Crabapple Hill, that I'd like to embroider. Your piece is so nice. It looks like a lot of stitching!

Joy said...

Oooh I loved that pattern as soon as I clapped eyes on it ... and yours looks FABULOUS in CG Hugs n kisses too :o).
Joy :o)

Mrs Shepo said...

Just beautiful, great choice of thread, I have this one ready to do, maybe for Christmas 2012. Cheers Pat.

FlourishingPalms said...

Would you be so kind as to tell me the color name or color number of that variegated thread? Thanks!

Fiona said...

It's just lovely Jeanette... lots of stitching ... so effective...

Sheila said...

It is beautiful Jeanette !

Unknown said...

Beautiful Stitcherie & Great choice in Thread...
Very Pretty.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh wow! That's beautiful!

Narelle said...

Gorgeous and well done!
It's a lovely idea to frame it too.
I'm dragging my boots this morning :o)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow..that is gorgeous

Elyte said...

That is such beautiful work Jeanette. I will look gorgeous decorating your home every Christmas. I had to get a closer look and wasn't disappointed. Wonderful work.

Brenda said...

Beautiful stitching! I just love the design, there is even my favorite, the gingerbread boy, in there!

marina said...

well done on finishing your stitching. 3/4's through mine.
Your choice of cotton is lovely.

Cheryll said...

What a lovely idea for a gift. Your embroidery looks wonderful! Cheers.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...