Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Anzac Day 2023

 "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them."

Saturday, April 22, 2023

FNSI April

 I started fairly early for FNSI  to get 2 projects quilted & bound.

First up the Halloween mat. I had hoped to do a meander stitch all over the mat but my machine just doesn't like to do it. :( Straight line stitch it is then, 2 rows down each blade. Ready for Halloween this year.

If i ever make another i think i'll applique it to a background. :)

The advent calendar/tree was quilted next. I had hoped to meander quilt it too. I just ditch stitched along all the rows.

It took ages to tie in all the thread ends around the little stitcheries. lol. But it's done now & can go into the Christmas crates.

Pop over here to see who joined in. Thanks for hosting us again Wendy.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Taming Of The Ufo's ......

 .......continues. :)

I've appliqued the stitcheries onto the tree so it's now ready to quilt. Not sure how i want to do that yet.

These blocks were next in the pile. One just needed borders, another a background to be pieced & as i went to iron it down to applique i realised it needed a flower & leaf added. I vaguely remember having to remove them when i did the stitching. lol. The others borders for hexies to be appliqued & the other applique & embroidery.

As i only bought 5 blocks from this quilt project i will need to figure a setting for them once i've finished the applique & embroidery. I have heaps of B & C fabrics/scraps so at least i'll have matching fabrics. I'm thinking a 9 patch setting using churn dash blocks or something simple.

Yesterday i took out these remaining 4 blocks from a set of 20 i had. I looked back through photo's & found i'd made 2 runners from them back in 2020. Oh dear. Those blocks had been hanging around longer than that though. :) I went with a simple 9 patch to join them.
I'm hoping the dye that ran will wash out with a colour catcher when i wash the runner.

The other project from yesterday is a recent ufo. I was making this for Halloween last year but no matter which way i tried sewing it together the blades looked twisted. I had 3 goes before i chucked it aside. I thought if it didn't work this time i was chucking it in the bin. Just the quilting & binding to do on it now.

My small ufo projects basket is slowly emptying (wish i could say the same for the large projects) & it's a lovely sight to see but this morning i was looking in another basket to see what was in there. Hmm a stitchery ready to stitch( placed in wrong basket) & a half finished project. Sigh. Oh well at least it was only 1 ufo. Well unless you count my Mum's apple core ufo. :) then it's 2. lol.

Happy Stitching

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Another day another ufo

 The next wip/ufo was from 2019. Helen Stubbings from Hugs and Kisses offered a free Christmas sew along. The little stitcheries were all completed but that was it.

Yesterday i cut all the strips need to make the background tree & made the hanging up.

Next decision is to either make the stitcheries up like Helen did to hang from the tree of applique the circles to some backround fabric & then applique them to the tree.

I decided to cut out a background piece & applique one together to see how it looked on the background only to discover the stitchery circles are to big. Oh well i'll rectify that today. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 15, 2023

FNwF April

 FNwF saw me putting together anther wip/ufo. I joined in with this BOM from Gail Pan back in 2021. I stitched a few of the blocks left it got it out again last year & stitched a few more. I think i was up to May by this time. A few weeks back i got it out again & was determined to get the stitcheries done. Wednesday saw me adding the green squares to each corner & trimming them back. All the blue strips & the corner squares were also cut & trimmed ready to go.

I tried to start fairly early but a phone call with my sister put paid to that. :)

Bring Me Flowers is now officially a flimsy. I'm so glad that it is no longer in the pile. Now to get on with the next wip/ufo.

The evening saw me start this stitchery Christmas Candles by Fig n Berry.
I should have been stitcheries from Owl & Hare Hollow so i don't get behind with that bom. :)

Pop over here to visit our lovely hostess Cheryll to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, April 2, 2023

RSC April

Purple has been chosen for April Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Right up my alley. :) :)

Happy Stitching,


Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Redwork Christmas.......

 ...... is no longer a WIP/UFO. It's a flimsy.

After i emailed the designer, Fig 'n' Berry, explaining my dilemma i received an email later that day with the missing pattern attached. I was so grateful that Lisa had kindly re-sent me the pattern. 

Now to finish of a Gail Pan BOM from 2 or 3 years ago. I'm up to November blocks. Time to sort out the green & blue fabrics to turn it into a flimsy. I have just a few hexies to sew onto a lap quilt & that will also be a flimsy. So far getting my plan for 2023 to get my WIPS/UFO's under control is succeeding. :)

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...