Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gifts I received

Naughty me. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. :) I've loaded them upside down too. Oh dear. The lovely stitchery i think i'll turn into a hanging using the Christmas fabric included in the presents.
The red folder has lots of yummy recipes . 2 great Christmas patterns for me to make. A lovely decoration for me to add to my tree this year. The Christmas fabric is in this photo along with some great tin stars.
This photo has the gorgeous bag that Yvonne made me along with a cute pincushion, a bag of rumballs, a lovely china jug & some condiments from Beerenberg. Yummy. Saving those for Christmas lunch.
And lucky last is all the presents wrapped up. One day when i'm all grown up i'll remember to put the photo's in order. Oh yes before i forget - the hand made card in the background. Was i lucky or what?
Thanks to Karen for arranging the Christmas in July exchange & thanks to my partner Yvonne for the lovely gifts i received.

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Christmas in July exchange

I can now show the photo's of the things i made to send to my Christmas In July partner. However due to a mishap on my part i can't show a photo of the decoration. So instead i've included a photo of all the giifties wrapped. I made Cranberry & white chocolate shortbreads for the nibblies part. They are delicious & i won't be waiting until Christmas to make them again i can tell you. The Santa sack was well stuffed. The other photo is my hand made card. Not bad i guess for a first effort. The lady bird is popular in my house 2 people have asked me to make them one. Maybe so after i get my own. It was such fun to make. Yes even the tiny little yo-yo's that are the spots. Oh speaking of yo-yo's i had to make something beginning with the letter of my partners first name. Do you know how hard it is to come up with something starting in Y? Well i made a bunch of yo-yo's in 2 different sizes. Can't wait to see my pressies.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

busy, busy, busy

I' ve been busy getting my BOM's finished & my exchanges done for the Christmas in July swap. They are all posted but can't show piccies yet until i know my partner has them. But i can show you photo's of the BOM's. I really must invest in a new camera as some of the shots lately leave a lot to be desired. Especially the one of Cheryls lovely Verandah Views.post signature

Friday, June 5, 2009

Caught up on BOM's (just in time for June's)

I've finished the 1st 3 blocks of Jenny's Shabby Roses, 2 blocks from Anne's A Tisket A Tasket, both in redwork & applique & the 1st 2 blocks of Vicki's On My Heart Bom. I'm doing the embroidery on the 3rd block. Hopefully will be able to post a photo tomorrow. Was hoping the spend the weekend sewing but have decded to take a drive & spend the weekend with my parents.

post signature  PS: Forgot to tell of my missing block. Went to do the embroidered bow on the easter bunny basket only to discover in the space of about 10 minutes it had grown legs. Searched everywhere & my 2 boys helped look. You'll never guess where it turned up after me making another complete block with finished embroidery. In the wash basket. My son had picked it up with his jacket & didn't know he had. LOL. 

Civil War

After a few hiccups & having to find another place that sold the Civil War Diary Quilt book i finally bought it. I was initially disappointed but upon reading through it decided i'd buy the 2nd book & as you can see it arrived yesterday. My SIL & i have been through her stash of repro/civil fabrics & have found quite a lot that will suit these blocks. My SIL has decided she would also like to make the quilts. We sure are going to be busy. Yesterday i started sewing together the Churn Dash blocks for my son's quilt. Hopefully they'll be a top next week & he'll actually be able to use the quilt this winter. Next on the list is my 2nd son's quilt. Wish me luck on those.

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FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...