Thursday, January 30, 2020


My last medallion arrived today so I took a photo to see how they all look. I'm leaning towards using diamonds as the path to join them all together.

The left 3 x 4 rows are the blocks sent to me, the 3 x 4 rows with the watermark are the ones i made.

 Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

2 little finishes

I finally got back to my daisy table mat from a few posts ago. All I needed to do was iron the backing on, trim to size & then stitch the 2 pieces together. Not real happy with it as the backing kept fraying. I'm lucky the wool front didn't.

Still it looks good & I'm so glad that the kit I bought so long ago is now finished & not still languishing in a box.

Next I finished up a little bonus project from the Christmas BOM I was doing last year.

It will just be a decorative teatowl.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


January nearly got away from me to sew my medallion for this month as i just haven't had any motivation. But i got my skates on & made them up before the month ended.

Whilst I was making them I decided to get February out of the way.

The swap is now finished for me & once I receive my last block this week(I was sent February block early) I'll be able to work out a layout for the blocks.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 18, 2020

FNSI January

Last night I joined in with FNSI. My project of choice was another cone shaped pin cushion.

They are such cute pincushions.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy to find the links to who joined in & the projects worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, January 10, 2020

Border Ranges Fire

My daughter had asked me that if it was possible could i take some photo's to show her the devastation of the Border Trail/Ranges fire that so nearly came to wiping out my hometown but thanks to the valiant effort of the firies in that area from both sides of the border it didn't. Not a lot of places to stop along that twisty windy road as one side is mountain & the other drops off into vallies. We stopped where there was a little layby & the area around the road is open farmland & i could look back along the area. These photo's just show a small amount of the fire that swept through that area & raged for weeks.
This is one side of Mount Lindsay, the burnt side but with that bit of rain around Christmas you can see the paddock is greening along with the trees going up the mount. As you follow the road around the mountain the other side was untouched by fire.

 Looking north towards Boonah, Qld way i guess.
 Not sure if this one has a name but you can see all the burnt trees on it. All these photo's are taken on the Queensland side of the Border Trail/Range.

 We are looking back south towards my hometown many kilometres away.

 All along this highway there was evidence of trees having to be cut down as they were too dangerous to leave. Piles upon piles were stacked up in the paddocks beside the road.

Along the way there was a spot i wished we could have stopped & taken a photo. It was in one of those areas where you just couldn't pull up as it was an area with drop offs one side, mountain the other. In all my years of travelling to & fro down that road we've not really been able to see through because off all the rubbish in the undergrowth, By rubbish i don't mean litter thrown out by people I mean scrub. But this particular spot as we passed by i said to my brother "would you look at that, we can see miles & miles across that valley now". It was such a shock as i never knew that view was there through the trees.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Friday Night with Friends January

I had planned to start early on a longstanding UFO(it will have to wait for another day) but I had a chance to head into northern NSW to see my Mum so I took it. I haven't been able to get down since before she was surrounded by fires & we couldn't get through with the main road being blocked off at the time.

Oh the devastation along the border trail/ranges was terrible. Even now weeks after the fires are out you can still smell the smoke. But on a slightly positive note the little bit of rain around Christmas day has started some greening up around the burnt out areas.

So did I get any stitching done you ask & if so what did i stitch ?

 I had sewn the leaves down on this little table mat but when I went to add the vine some of the outside leaves were positioned wrong. I removed them & restitched down.

I just needed to add the backing to it now& this kit I bought many years ago will be done.

After that I started the embroidery on this cute little pincushion.

 Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links to who joined in last night& the projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...