Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One Flower Wednesday

It's been sometime again since i posted about my hexagons. I've nearly finished sewing them together.
I've got 8 blooms left to sew on the last row & them 10 stepping stones. Not sure if i'm keen on sewing binding around all those hexagon shape & i'm considering appliqueing the top to borders. What do you think? then there is the choice of what colour fabric to choose for the borders.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finishes, Re-finishes & a new blogger

Last Friday saw me adding wadding, then quilting & binding some things that had sat for a few weeks ready to go. I managed to get all but 2 done that day. That night saw me hand sewing binding down. It was after midnight that i went to bed but still there was more to finish by hand. Midnight finish Saturday night too. :) The weekend saw all them nailed on the head.
These 4 simple runners. All but 1 of these was made from fat 1/4's.
A couple of years ago Michelle was moving & she decided to have a giveaway as part of cleaning/packing up. I received this runner from her. I just love the colours in it. So me. :) lol
I'd finished this stitchery ages ago & it finally made it to the top of the UFO box to be finished. Now for my re-finishes.
 These 2 stitcheries were finished many years ago but i'd framed them in frames. I was looking at them recently & decided they were getting too damaged. I put borders on them this time around.
Another 2 re-finishes. Lastly the new blogger. Please drop by & visit Pami. If you all drop by & encourage her she may post pictures of her beautiful craftwork instead of piccies of her car & Eric Bana. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Rosewood Quilt Show

Although Saturday was so dismal with the rain & cold i had a great day out. Pammi & i headed out to Rosewood for the quilt show. Joy & Nikki joined us there for more fun & laughter. Also chatted to Cath who had a stall there. Lots of beautiful quilts there on display.
Love this hexagon quilt. The hexagons are all 1/2"
This is the label attached.
Olive was sitting here during the day piecing this stunning hexagon quilt. I forgot to ask how many she had pieced together already but i can tell you they are 1/2" hexagons.
Drunkards Path is another favourite of mine.
So many beautiful quilts on display. Just too many to photograph all so this is just a small selection to view. Also on display were other handcrafts by the Rosewood ladies but it was this bedspread that caught my eye.
All crocheted.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

One Xmas Item Day

I managed to get a few things done for my Xmas items this month.
Zig zag tablerunner. Not a good shot but it was the only way i could get the whole thing in the photo.
Just finished making these hexagons. Such fun sewing on the wire. I also had a finish earlier this month which i posted here.
Another finish i have i can only show a peek as it's for a swap.
I've also finished the block for this months BOM by Paula
Happy Stitching,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pets & patterns

This is our new resident. Jasper the Cockatiel. My fur baby tolerates birds as she has been brought up with them. She is the only cat of my 3 that we will put the birds near though.
Here she is with my daughter's Peachface, Bubbles on her back. The bird kept running away when i was trying to get a photo so my daughter had to hold it. :)

Finished Shell's latest heart in her lovely BOM. Today i received a parcel from Shell. I'd recently ordered 2 of her gorgeous patterns & the Valdani threads to go with them.
 Shell always wraps things so lovely.

& includes lovely choccies & a teabag. I've eaten the choccies & i'm drinking the tea whilst typing this.
Shell also included a special gift for me - 2 pieces of weavers cloth. I'm so lucky. Thankyou Shell, Harrington & Hannah.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun Day Out.

Wednesday night my friend Pammi asked me what i was doing Thursday. "Nothing" i replied. She then asked would i like to go & have a stitching day with Joy. "Yes, sounds good" So off we set on our road trip down to Joy's house. On arrival we found that Nikki had dropped in for a visit as well. The morning was filled with laughter & chatting. Nikki had to leave before lunch as she had stock to make. I guess you are wondering did any stitching get done after lunch then? I can tell you no that the afternoon was filled with more laughter & chatting.

Whilst at Joy's i got her latest pattern,
Her gorgeous Doctor's bag. Though i really think she should've given me the beautiful black one she made. :) hehe

We then went for a drive over to Nikki's home where she has her shop situated. I purchased a few things there,
Some lovely patterns &
fat 1/4's plus gorgeous cat & birdhouse buttons. Then we had more laughter & chatting with Nikki. Such a fabulous fun day. Thanks girls.

As you saw in my previous post i'm in an online group who swapped Christmas stockings. I can now show you what i sent my partner Jenny,

The front. I used either running postman or hugs n kisses Cottage Garden thread for the embroidery.
The back.
Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 5, 2011

Exciting mail today.

I was busy sewing when i heard the front gate bang shut. Went out to see what was delivered & saw it was only a book i'd been expecting had been pushed through onto the verandah. As i picked it up i happened to glance out onto to the stairs & there sat another parcel. Ahh excitement now as i knew the stockings from a swap i joined were due to be sent this week - could this be mine from my secret partner? I looked at the state on the addy & wondered if it was from who i thought if was or who else in the group maybe from Tassie. I knew as soon as i opened the outer wrappings & saw the envelope. Yes it was from the lovely Fee. In the excitement i forgot to take a photo of the parcel all wrapped up so had to take it after.
Gorgeous dogs & a lovely blue ribbon.
Here is my beautiful stocking & goodies Fee sent. When i opened the tin i got a further surprise as Fee had put buttons in there too. Thankyou so much Fee i just love the stocking & goodies. Can't wait to Christmas now to hang my stocking. :)

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

another finish.

This little hanging should have been finished last month but at least it's done now. It was the first pattern from the Christmas club i'm in.
The 2nd pattern arrived last week & Sandy included a lovely fat 1/4 as a gift.
Happy Stitching,

Monday, August 1, 2011

1st finish for August

I finally managed to get back to my machine. I've spent a lot of time lately going back & forth to the Dr's & to have x-rays & ct scans done. Tomorrow it's back for another ct scan to have a cortisone injection. That should be fun. NOT. I was hoping to have more sewn today other than the 2 projects i worked on but 1 of the kids dropped in & that cut into my sewing time quite a bit. :)
This is what i did finish - a cushion cover made from one of Shell's gorgeous pattern. The other project needs to have a bit of quilting done & then the binding sewn down. Hopefully that will be done tonight. Can't see much being worked on at all tomorrow.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...