Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun Day Out.

Wednesday night my friend Pammi asked me what i was doing Thursday. "Nothing" i replied. She then asked would i like to go & have a stitching day with Joy. "Yes, sounds good" So off we set on our road trip down to Joy's house. On arrival we found that Nikki had dropped in for a visit as well. The morning was filled with laughter & chatting. Nikki had to leave before lunch as she had stock to make. I guess you are wondering did any stitching get done after lunch then? I can tell you no that the afternoon was filled with more laughter & chatting.

Whilst at Joy's i got her latest pattern,
Her gorgeous Doctor's bag. Though i really think she should've given me the beautiful black one she made. :) hehe

We then went for a drive over to Nikki's home where she has her shop situated. I purchased a few things there,
Some lovely patterns &
fat 1/4's plus gorgeous cat & birdhouse buttons. Then we had more laughter & chatting with Nikki. Such a fabulous fun day. Thanks girls.

As you saw in my previous post i'm in an online group who swapped Christmas stockings. I can now show you what i sent my partner Jenny,

The front. I used either running postman or hugs n kisses Cottage Garden thread for the embroidery.
The back.
Happy Stitching,


Cat said...

What a beautiful santa stocking you've made.
Sounds like a fun ladies afternoon was had by all

Michelle Ridgway said...

Sounds like a great day out and some lovely projects to get started on there. The stockings are lovely.

Fiona said...

Fantastic to ahve a day out with the gals.... and I love the stocking you made... nice shopping too.... mmmm ... very nice....

Helen said...

What a great day, friends... stitching and laughter. Great stocking too.


Cheryll said...

Oh WOW! what a great day! Lots of goodies too! Love your embroidery on the stocking too!
I'm itchin to get back into my little cubbyhole!

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Oh you purchased another bag pattern!!! Have fun sewing it up it looks divine. Love your other purchases too.
Happy days.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh what a fun day! I purchased a bag pattern from Joy too. Have I made it yet? Uhhhh Nope! But I will. :)
Love the stocking you made and the one your received!
xx, shell

Cath Ü said...

Jeanette... it is so good to see you are getting on top of your addiction.... LOL

Nise to hear you had a lovely day out with Pammi... and you got to meet up with Nikki & Joy.

Love the stocking you made.. it is very Christmassy.....

Cath Ü

Heather said...

Hi Jeanette, I saw the stockings on Jenny's blog so had to come and have a look here :) Great job (I know this pattern well, tee he he) lovely blog, happy sewing.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...