Saturday, January 29, 2022

Christmas Table Runner

 Yesterday i pulled a bit of sewing mojo from somewhere & completed one ufo & have another half done which i hope to finish today.

The table runner is only a short term ufo having made the top in December. :)

It was hard trying to get a decent photo. The runner is really long & there isn't a lot of good light coming into the house with the day being slightly overcast.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Australia Day 2022 & Zoom.

 Australia Day was overcast & rainy for me. A nice cool day to sit & sew.  Chooky invited us to a zoom get together in the afternoon & it was lovely to chat with all the ladies who were able to join in.

I stitched my the hexies for the doll quilt i'm making. I had 9 left to do.

I finished these 7 whilst on Zoom

and these 2 last night. I now have all 12 i needed so today i'd better find what fabric i need to make the quilt. :)

Thanks ladies & Chooky for a pleasant afternoon.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, January 24, 2022

Zoom, zoom

 Yesterday Chooky hosted a short Zoom chat. as always it was lovely to join in chat to the lovely ladies from all over the world who regularly join & to see some new faces.  We have had 3 Zoom chats this month which has been wonderful.

Whilst chatting i stitched my little Christmas stitchery.

I had just started doing the satin stitch when it was time to finish the Zoom chat. :). Whilst watching the tv last night i completed all the satin stitch. Now to decide what to turn the stitchery into.

Kathleen Tracy started a hexagon sew along on her Facebook group at the start of January. I had my fabrics chosen but until now didn't have time to start. I managed to make 2 last night & have a 3rd one done. It will be a 9 patch hexagon doll quilt.


Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 22, 2022

FNSI January 2022

 Wendy, our lovely hostess, is again running FNSI & last night was the first for 2022 & that sadly means January is almost gone. Thankyou Wendy for hosting us again.

I really didn't know what i wanted to do yesterday. Start my dolls quilt, work on ufo's start something new? endless possibilities. In the end i didn't do a lot.

I made a Christmas quilt some years back & when i put the top together i realised out of the 25 blocks for some reason i'd only done borders on 3 of them. I got the top out a few weeks back & started stitching those borders. I only had 1-1/2 left so i finished those off.

Now it is off the ufo pile & onto the "to be quilted pile". :) Ha Ha.

I had found up a small Christmas stitchery yesterday afternoon & prepared it ready to stitch last night.

 Pop over to here to see who joined in & the projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, January 21, 2022

Kitchen drawer liners

Finally after sewing on & off for 2 weeks the other 15 liners to go with the 2 in my last post are finally done. yay.

This all 17 of them in varying sizes. Most though were around 80cm x 48cm. I just hope my sister is happy with them.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 8, 2022

FNwF January 2022

 Here we are at our first FNwF for 2022 with thanks to Cheryll for hosting us again this year. Hard to believe Christmas has passed by again so quick & we are in 2022 already.

My sister had a new kitchen built last year & asked me to make mats to sit in the drawers. The fabric finally arrived as Christmas so yesterday i thought i'd better shift myself & get them made as there is 17 mats to do. Well i don't know if she miscalculated the fabric amount or i did with my cutting or a combo of both but i have run short of fabric.

I got these 2 finished yesterday. They measure 80cm by 48 cm. There are 8 of this size & i have another 4 ready to quilt & 1 cut out ready to baste. That is when i discovered not enough fabric to make 1 more of the large mats & the 9 smaller mats. Fortunately i have the grey homespun in my stash but not the aqua & the white. So a trip to Spottie's is in order to find those(cross fingers). Hopefully i can get the mats done quickly & posted away so i can get back to my own projects. :)

Pop over here to see who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, January 3, 2022

The bear's new quilt.

 Last time my GS was over we started to make a small quilt for his bear. He chose 6 x 6" squares & sewed them together. Today he asked could he finish his little quilt. I found some wadding for him & a piece of backing. Last time i asked how he wanted to quilt it giving him a couple of options & he went with grid quilting.

So with GS pushing the pedal & me helping guide the quilt off we went. Left the drawn lines a couple of times but overall he was happy with it. Next was finding some binding. He went with a piece of aqua homespun i had leftover. I sewed that down for him as he thought that was bit more complicated than he was prepared for :). Rather than hand stitching the binding down i decided i'd have a go using the machine to do it. I wasn't that keen on my first attempt at it but GS was happy so all is well.

So the bear should be warm tonight. Lol.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...