Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Natures Journey....

......is a wrap. I finished the binding yesterday
The beautiful quilting by Fiona. I love what Fiona has done with my quilt.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, January 29, 2018

Busy Sunday

I made up the pink hearts cushion
& with insert.

I sewed the Christmas embroideries to the other pieces needed & cut out the heart shapes & their backings
I then cross stitched the X's in the afternoon, cut out the wadding & spent several hours sewing them together.

After i did the hearts in the morning i added binding to a quilt,which i'm hoping to hand sew down today. I then cut out some backgrounds for my Gail Pan sewalong, cut the backgrounds for my Round We Go BOM so i can start appliquing them down. I stuffed up on cutting out 2 stitcheries for my hearts decorations so i retraced the 2 of those, traced out 3 more Christmas stitcheries, then i retraced some of the stitcheries for Ruth's Dream stitchalong. I had them all traced but discovered i'd misjudged the width so i had to soak all my tracing pen out & start again. i'll just trace out what i need every month now for the stitchalong. After that i was very tired.

After finishing the hearts i finished another block for part 7 Round We Go & started a 3rd.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 27, 2018

I'm so dizzy. :) :)

Finally part 6 is done. They took a little longer than i hoped. I didn't get them all done before part 7 arrived though. Now it's onto making those up. Hopefully in the next few days.
Happy stitching,

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Round We Go BOM

I'd gotten behind on my Round We Go BOM by 2 months & with part 7 due to arrive any day figured i'd better get moving & catch up. Tuesday afternoon/evening saw prep work & a start on one of the blocks.
Yesterday i finished all 4 of month 5's blocks & made a start on month 6.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Pink hearts

Back when i cut out the blue hearts i also did a pink one. As the daughter it was for was in a single bed i made the quilt up to fit it. I was left then with 28 hearts which have sat unused since then. Yesterday they also were made up into a quilt. I tried using all 28 but the quilt would be long & thin.  I ended up using 25. 2 of the 3 i'll make into a cushion & the last i'll use as a lable.
Now to choose the next UFO.  I have plenty to choose from. 🤣🤣.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Friday Night Sew In January 2018

Goodness the sew in rolled around quick. I'm sure i've lost January somewhere.  Sadly i'm sure 2018 will race by in a blink of an eye also. I joined Wendy our very lovely hostess for some sewing yesterday.

 I started the dat with my hearts quilt. I reattached row 6 the right way up, pieced the remaining 9 rows, added them, the borders & finally after all these years it's a flimsy.
What a marathon effort. The rows a sewn diagonally which makes for awkward sewing especially with the weight of the quilt.

Later in the afternoon when i'd finished sewing & having a nice cold drink i spotted my cat in what looks to be an uncomfortable position but she obviously wasn't as she quite often lays like this.

Last night i finished stitching this little row of stars

then i added some coffins to my quilt. from the yellow up on the left side & some across the top.

Thankyou Wendy for hosting us once again. Pop over here to find links to see what projects everyone worked on.

Happy stitching,

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ruth's quilt stitchalong

After the marathon sewing with Icecream Soda it was time to get back to embroidery.  These are my next blocks in the stitchalong
I must have taken a dozen photo's & none show the stitchery very well. This was the best shot.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Icecream Soda

The last hand stitch was stitched yesterday & the papers along the edges removed. Today i added the borders & now Icecream Soda is done & officially declared a flimsy. It's been a long journey with this quilt. Digging through my scraps each month to make the blocks & hoping that once they are done they all look good together. I think i've done quite well.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Where i'm at

Wednesday i made the 9 patches & started sewing the rows. All was going well until i got to row 6. I decided to lay it out on my bed to check width against a queen bed. Looking closely i was wondering what was wrong. There may have been a few swear words when i realised row 6 was upside done. Some reverse sewing was in order & then i called it quits as it was quite hot.
I haven't been able to get back to it the last 2 days & as the temps are really soaring to the high 30's today i doubt i'll be doing much of anything today.

Last night saw me finish adding row 3 to Icecream Soda & starting to add row 4.
All the rows are pieced together it's just a matter of adding them to each other now. Just 5 left to go, then borders. Hopefully it will be a flimsy next week. :).

Happy Stitching,

Friday, January 12, 2018

Stitchery BOM

I've joined in a stitchery BOM run by Gail. The first 3 were emailed to us on Wednesday. I took a break from Icecream Soda & stitched up Gail's designs.
Now i need to raid the stash to find a background to applique these to or maybe a trip to my LQS is required .:) Also with each months patterns Gail gives us a mini project to use 1 of the designs on. I've used DMC53 to stitch with.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Another UFO.

Back in the late '90's is started making my 2 eldest girls hearts quilts. 1 pink & 1 blue. The pink one was made but as it went on a single bed i have quite a few pink hearts left to make a lap quilt maybe. So that is also on my ufo list to do something with. The blue one was never done as the oldest decided she wanted a dolphin quilt instead.
This is the pattern. I discovered about 18 hearts needed to be finished. Some just a few pieces & others the whole block. One i discovered a piece missing so i found up a similar blue fabric & cut a whole new heart.
The 9 patches were just long strips ready to be sewed
That done i cross cut them ready to be sewn today.
I hope to get a flimsy today out of it all. If not then in the next couple of days.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, January 8, 2018

Another flimsy

When searching out what ufo's to work the other day on i had also dragged out my box full of pineapple blocks. I made the m back in 2015. Yesterday i sewed them altogether. It took about 5 hours & much wrangling but it's done.
Happy Stitching,

Sunday, January 7, 2018

It's a flimsy

Several hours yesterday morning saw the borders added. The quilt is just wide enough to lay on top of a queen sized bed. I was hoping for it to be wider. :(.
I couldn't get a decent photo yesterday so the colours aren't showing up very well.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Friday Night with Friends Jan 2018

I spent all day sewing for our first FNwF for 2018. Thankyou Cheryll for hosting us again. So what did i work on you ask. I started with piecing another backing together for a quilt ready to be quilted.

Next i chose a quilt from 2 years ago when i spent a weekend at a mystery quilt retreat. I only managed all the piecing & about 12 blocks. Due to so much time passing i couldn't remember how many blocks Susanne had said we'd end up with so i just kept making blocks up until i ran out of the pieces already made.
The right side has 15 blocks & the left has 8. So i worked out the quilt had 35 blocks. Not my best piecing as when i was trimming back some of those section all that time ago I place my ruler wrong & so some points just don't match very well. Oh well it was all done in a bit of a rush. 2 days sounds heaps of time to make a quilt top but the time flies by very quickly.

 I then managed to get the top together
By this time i was hot & bothered so i've left adding the borders until today.

Night time found me hand piecing Icecream Soda
Row 6 almost finished. It needs another 2 full blocks & another half one. 3 more rows to go & then i need to start adding them together. Maybe next week it will be finished. :)

Pop over to Cheryll's blog to see who joined in last night & what projects were worked on.

Happy Stitching.

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...