Saturday, January 13, 2018

Where i'm at

Wednesday i made the 9 patches & started sewing the rows. All was going well until i got to row 6. I decided to lay it out on my bed to check width against a queen bed. Looking closely i was wondering what was wrong. There may have been a few swear words when i realised row 6 was upside done. Some reverse sewing was in order & then i called it quits as it was quite hot.
I haven't been able to get back to it the last 2 days & as the temps are really soaring to the high 30's today i doubt i'll be doing much of anything today.

Last night saw me finish adding row 3 to Icecream Soda & starting to add row 4.
All the rows are pieced together it's just a matter of adding them to each other now. Just 5 left to go, then borders. Hopefully it will be a flimsy next week. :).

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

Both are coming along nicely. Stay cool...xox

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wonderful work my friend what a shame about the upside down row,think i would be swearing to my friend.I am really loving your ice cream soda blocks and watching this one grow.
we were stinking hot yesterday humidity was so bad thought i was back in Thailand,lol,now today i have the heater on ,such crazy weather here at the moment,stay cool my friend xx

Julie said...

It all looks great Jeanette. You have been going along well with all your projects & finishing up of UFO's. I have been doing lots of "unsewing" this week too.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I love the blue Jeanette. Darn that reverse sewing. Great progress on lovely Ice Cream Soda too....sure is a stinker today x

Allie-oops Designs said...

How beautiful!!! I hate unsewing, lol, but we've all been there....ugh. Stay cool hon!

Fiona said...

lovely work - it is so frustrating to reverse sew... are those hearts on the bias too which can make reverse even worse to do... so hot...


Anthea said...

Oh damn & blast to that row in the wrong placement! Love your progress on Ice Cream Soda x

Janet said...

I love both these quilts! The hearts are so sweet and the ice cream soda is stupendous. Does working on this quilt help keep you cool? Or just sweet? :)

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