Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Just keep sewing, just keep sewing

I had a brain blip the other night when i started on this set of 10. I sewed the to small shapes together & couldn't at first work out why i was short shapes when i knew i'd cut out 4. After an Ah ha moment i had a bit of reverse sewing happening & that was sorted.  I got up to sewing the 3rd pair together only to discover i'd sewn the small shape to the wrong side of the larger shape. Again reverse sewing. I felt like giving up & going to bed but i persevered & got the block together. I started on a 2nd but decided i would give up for the night as i wasn't really in a sewing mood. But since then i've got stuck into them & have nearly all 10 done.
Now onto the last 21 i proceed.

Happy stitching,

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Prepping EPP

I kept looking at the big basket of purple fabrics near my chair & thinking i really need to get that out of the lounge room. So yesterday i decided to get prepping the last 21 blocks of Mischief. Took me hours as first i had to match fabrics & then start cutting. The reason i was only doing 10 at a time was i only had 10 binding clips in my sewing bag. Luckily i had  discovered where i'd put the tin of them when i was searching for the Christmas bells a few weeks back. :)
All 21. They aren't glued down yet. I'd gotten this far when it was my bedtime.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, May 26, 2017

I wore my fingers out....

...yesterday cutting & gluing the Mischief joining pieces. In the afternoon i cut the last 54 i needed the started the trimming of the 219 pieces. Last night i got stuck into gluing & had nearly finished by bedtime
Not many left. Now i can get back to sewing the blocks together.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Up to Mischief

Last night saw me prepping the next 10 blocks for my Mischief quilt. With these one i'll have 79. 21 to go. Yay me.
Then rather than start sewing them together i decided i needed to make headway on the joining pieces.
165 there. I'm not sure how many i have all up as i'll need to count them. I need over 300 & i don't want to be short or prep too many.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Last 2 rosettes....

for this set of 8 Ice Cream Soda blocks.
I finished off number 6 & got stuck into 7 & 8 before bed called me.
All 32 blocks together.
they make a nice stack. :)

Happy stitching,

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ice Cream Soda

I managed block 5
& part of block 6 last night
Just 2 to go & that is this months set done.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, May 22, 2017

EPP Sunday

Yesterday saw me making more rosettes for Ice Cream Soda.
I now have 4 done with a 5th started.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sewing Saturday

I got the last 3 stars sewn done yesterday afternoon so my little runner has now moved to the quilting pile. Last night i made a start on Part 4 of Ice cream Soda. When these 8 are done i'll have 32 blocks.
& i made a start on number 2 before bed called
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Yesterday was a great day to sit, stitch & watch movies as it was a crappy overcast day with rain on & off all day long. I was going to quilt a tablerunner, a UFO of several years that i'd forgotten about, but decided watching movies was a better option. :)

 I got stuck into appliqueing the stars down & have only 3 to go now. I'll try & get them done today so this can really be off the UFO pile.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Wendy's blog to find links to see who joined in FNSI last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, May 19, 2017

Ice Cream Soda

Part 4 of Ice Cream Soda arrived Wednesday. Yesterday afternoon i started looking through my scrap bag for pieces to use but i kind of got a little sidetracked by sorting it all into nice little piles by colour. :). Night time saw me prepping the blocks.
Nearly got the 8th one done. I didn't get to work on any UFO's yesterday. Hopefully today i'll be able to get those stars attached to my runner.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Small runner

The little runner i prepped last week was started on yesterday afternoon
I managed to get all the applique& embroidery done then made a start on the stars. Just hope it's ok as i'm not quite following the pattern designers way of making this up.
Full length shot. I've 14 stars to applique on.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Swag is......

It's so long it's hard to take a good photo of it.
I tried to lay it out straight to show the length but that was a fail so i just curved it up but even that really doesn't show just how long it it is.

My Mischief blocks have been a bit neglected so i completed the one that was 3/4's finished & 2 not started.
After that i added some more to my coffin quilt
Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Christmas Swag

I finished off the last 4 stars yesterday afternoon/last night.
I decided i needed a break before sewing them all together as i have to sew through 2 layers of bad wadding & as that is quite stiff it's a little harder to do.

I'm giving my coffin quilt a start
Looks quite interesting. Not sure how big i'll go. I've a hundred coffin shape & several half shapes in the bag. Maybe just a lap size will do me.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, May 15, 2017

Still seeing stars

3 more stars for my Christmas swag were finished last night, Hopefully i can get the others done today/night.
Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 14, 2017

What a day

I started out with adding the pieces to applique &words to embroider on a little runner i did the EPP starts for maybe 5 years back.
Then i needed to find the bells to go on the stars project. But where oh where could they be. After pulling apart several places which resulted in a nice tidy up but had the downside of finding another couple of UFO's i'd forgotten about i found the missing bells. yay for me. 😊.

Since I'd cleared out the small UFO stack on my cutting table i gave that area a cleaning as so much dust had gathered there along with fabric fibres & made a new stack of UFO's that need working through. 😊😊.

After lunch i decided to watch Anne with an E on Netflix. It started out ok but started deviating from the Anne Of Green Gables books to much so i'm not that keen on watching anymore. Sad really as i love the Anne Of Green Gable books & the shows i've seen so far. Whilst watching that i finished the applique onto the stars.

 After tea i then had the delight of puzzling how to neatly attach the fabric to the wadding. I came to the conclusion of gathering the thread up around the points which did help some what.
I finished 2 as they are fiddly & time consuming.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Seeing Stars

As i had bought the background fabric Thursday i figured i'd better get on with the next project. I think the stitcheries have been done about 3-4 years.

I had to cut 9 pairs of stars
& 18 bag wadding stars
I need to flatten them i think. :) Then last night i started to applique the embroideries to the stars
T isn't quite stitched down.

The UFO today needs some buttonhole applique prepped & the wording traced. I can get that ready at least to work on after the star swag is completed.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, May 12, 2017


Because i went out yesterday i didn't do anything towards my UFO's. :(. I forgot yesterday to show my Mischief progress from Wednesday night.
First stop out shopping was my LQS. I didn't end up liking the border fabric i'd bought last week for my EPP quilt top. I chose another fabric, a fabric for a UFO that has reached the top of the little pile that lives on my cutting table. When they've gone i'll have to start the pile again with all the other UFO's stashed in various places. :) I also needed ribbon for that UFO. My basting glue, pellon & a DMC  thread need to be replaced so they were bought too.
On over to the shopping centre wandering around i discovered a stall selling plants $2 each pot or 6 for $10. I bought these.......
..one of my favourite flowers - pansies. The pots seem to have 2 plants in each so i've got 12. Some have 2 different colour pansies. After dragging my tired self home i found some lovely mail.
I'd been admiring the making of an EPP quilt using a coffin shape on the internet when the maker put up some for sale. As i'd been planning on getting the shapes i quickly snapped them up. The maker used repro/civil war fabrics which i was happy about as i was planning to do the same. So there is another project on my ever growing list. :) I didn't get very much done on Mischief last night
I did get the loose pieces in the top photo into a block along with these 2.

Back to the UFO's today.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, May 11, 2017


I finished the stitcheries for this needlebook quite a while back. When i went to the quilt shows last week i bought some of the fabric i needed to finish it. The rest including the felt came from my stash. If i'd read the supply list properly all of could of came from my stash. Oh well i've 2 bits that can be used in other projects as there was heaps left over.
Sewing Mouse Needelbook by Natalie Bird.
Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A tisket, a tasket

Last year at a workshop with Gail Pan one of the patterns we were given was a basket quilt all in reds. I made up the 3 baskets we were given & then they sat for over 12 months now. Yesterday i decided to turn them into a runner rather than have them sitting waiting for me to make the other 6.
Down to 1 finish a day as most of what is left needs a little work before they can make it to the machine or they are the big quilts which i'm not ready to tackle yet. :)

Last night i made a start on my Mischief blocks
Happy stitching,

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Garden Blooms

is finished.
This is the only finish as i decided to write down my UFO's. I knew the little pile on the back of the cutting table needed little bits & pieces done like applique, embroidery or just fabrics. Figured if i list things & what was needed to get them either into a finish or a quilt top i'd be better organised. Well i kinda overwhelmed myself so i just walked away. besides which as i was writing  i'd remember other UFO's so the list kinda grew. :) Today is another day so i'll make a start on clearing that list off.

Last night i prepped another 6 blocks for Mischief to add to the 4 i'd done Saturday night.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, May 8, 2017


First ufo i worked on was this cute garden stitchery by Gail Pan.
The red borders had to be sewn on first then appliqued to the beautiful background fabric. Today i hope to get the decorations sewn on & then quilted.

After that it was onto my pineapple tablerunners

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Cute finishes

 Just 1 little finish to show from yesterday.
The kit came with felt to make a reindeer which i whipped up last night
He's so cute. Another lovely pattern by Fig 'n' Berry.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Friday Night with Friends May

I started my Friday off by heading into my LQS as i needed some border fabric for my pink/green/white EPP quilt. Whilst there i also picked up fabric for a UFO, a couple of "eye" fat 1/4's from Tula Pinks gorgeous Tabby Road range & another fat 1/4 for a swap. Oh & some much needed backing fabric.

Finished there it was off to view the craft & quilts of the wonderful ladies who attend St Paul's craft group. Beautiful quilt as always. After a lovely morning tea provided by those same ladies it was off across the mall to see this
A beautiful display of some of the Antique War Quilts from the collection of Dr Annette Gero. Then it was time to go home & sew.

After lunch i made these 2 hangings up
Another cutie by Fig 'n' Berry.
a lovely design by Annie Downs.

After sewing the binding down i finished the last 2 Mischief blocks
& here they are with the other 8 i'd been working on during the week
Time to go see what UFO's to finish today & prep more Mischief blocks.

Thankyou Cheryll for hosting us. Pop over here to see what everyone got up to.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...