Sunday, May 14, 2017

What a day

I started out with adding the pieces to applique &words to embroider on a little runner i did the EPP starts for maybe 5 years back.
Then i needed to find the bells to go on the stars project. But where oh where could they be. After pulling apart several places which resulted in a nice tidy up but had the downside of finding another couple of UFO's i'd forgotten about i found the missing bells. yay for me. 😊.

Since I'd cleared out the small UFO stack on my cutting table i gave that area a cleaning as so much dust had gathered there along with fabric fibres & made a new stack of UFO's that need working through. 😊😊.

After lunch i decided to watch Anne with an E on Netflix. It started out ok but started deviating from the Anne Of Green Gables books to much so i'm not that keen on watching anymore. Sad really as i love the Anne Of Green Gable books & the shows i've seen so far. Whilst watching that i finished the applique onto the stars.

 After tea i then had the delight of puzzling how to neatly attach the fabric to the wadding. I came to the conclusion of gathering the thread up around the points which did help some what.
I finished 2 as they are fiddly & time consuming.

Happy Stitching,


Pamela said...

Way to go! More finishes and progress.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's day Jeanette,love those stars they are very cute.
Oh no finding more UFO's and glad you found your bells xx

Fiona said...

that little applique looks really cute.... maybe you need an escuse to buy more bells????? loving your stars....

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Look at you go....happy Mother's Day ❤️❤️

FNwF March

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