Thursday, April 30, 2020

A little finished project

My little tablemat is a bonus project from Gail Pan's Christmas BOM last year. I'd done the stitchery back then & yesterday I searched for red & green Christmas fabrics, cut it all out & spent the evening stitching it altogether.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 18, 2020

FNSI April

Yesterday I joined in FNSI hosted by our lovely Wendy

I started early as I was determined to get Tail Feathers into a flimsy. I'd spent the last week on & off doing the log cabins. By this stage of the quilt only bits & pieces & a few long strips were all that was left of the 2 honeybuns that the quilt required. So they are quit scrappy.

First up in the putting together was to put borders around the birdie blocks.

Then onto sewing all the log cabins to each other.

And finally it was all made into a flimsy minus the final border. Fabric for that will arrive next week.

Yay for me. One ufo/wip off my list. Now to get to the 99 others. Just joking there isn't that many. 😊😊.

I had planned to do some more stitching on the Love & Hugs from Australia blocks last night but standing in the hot sun waiting to get into Costco made me a little ill so it was bed early for me. The line wasn't long but slow moving as they only let x amount in as x amount leave so we were waiting maybe 10/15 minutes in the sun. If I have to go again before this is all over I'll be taking my big golf umbrella to shelter under.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to find the links on who joined in last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, April 11, 2020

FNwF April (2)

Sad to say not much has changed since my last post. Still stuck in this dreadful 2020. Each morning I wake hoping for a miracle but so far it hasn't happened.

Ah well at least I had a lovely 2nd FNwF again hosted by lovely Cheryll. Thankyou Cheryll.

I gave myself a stern talking to since for months & months now I've struggled with any desire to sit & sew at the machine. Out came my poor Tail Feathers quilt. I think I started stitching the blocks about 2012. Then in 2016 I put the first row together. Erk didn't realise until now that it had been 4 years since it had seen the light of day.

Fast forward now to April 10 2020 & this is the result so far.
Tiny squares added to bottom of row 1. Sashings around all the blocks in row 2 & then sewn into a row, more tiny squares added along the bottom, row 3 blocks sashed & sewn together, added to the top & the last of the tiny blocks added.
Then I had to scrounge around in the fabric cupboard to find the rest of the t on t background fabric. Hmmm must of used that up but found one very similar. I had to call it quits here as it was time to finish putting tea together.

So I read pattern to see what is left to do. A log cabin row around it with applique birds in corners which I'm hoping to do today. Then a final plain border. Now here's where the panic set in. Did I buy the fabric for that border & binding & if so where have I put it.  A search of the fabric cupboard resulted in nothing. What to do as the fabric I used is an old range. Last night I asked for help on IG & my prayers were answered. A friend had a large piece of 1 of the 4 pieces I was looking for. I was so happy as I didn't want Tail Feathers to be relegated yet again to the ufo pile. So crossing fingers it will be a flimsy at last by next weekend.

Last night saw me adding more stitches to block 3 of the Facebook Love & Hugs from Australia patterns. I haven't been doing 1 a day, just puttering along at my own pace.

All I did here last night was the bee's trails, the words & started on the border.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links on who joined in & what lovely projects was worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 4, 2020

FNwF April

Oh dear how can it be April already. Though i'm so ready for 2020 to be over. Never thought i'd ever say that in my life. :) Or a restart of 2020 would be good without all the problems we've had.

Anyhoo must press on.

Last night i joined in Friday Night with friends hosted by our very lovely Cheryll. I'm so thankful to have a virtual sewin to go to.  Thankyou ever so much Cheryll.

I felt like starting a new project, sad i know when i have heaps of UFO's that really, really need to be finished. I have heaps of prepped patterns ready to go to choose from so what did i do? I started a project generously given to us by 16 lovely Australian designers.

On Facebook they have started a group called Love & Hugs from Australia Stitch-A-Long & each day the designated designer for that day will give us a pattern for a 6" block. Yesterday we started with Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse & such a beautiful design it is. Can't wait to see what each block is. The blocks are designed to either make a quilt or to turn then into whatever you want.

I took about 10 photo's trying to get the best shot in various areas of my house & none of them looked any good. This one was about the best.

Pop over here to find out who joined in last night & what their chosen projects were.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...