Saturday, April 4, 2020

FNwF April

Oh dear how can it be April already. Though i'm so ready for 2020 to be over. Never thought i'd ever say that in my life. :) Or a restart of 2020 would be good without all the problems we've had.

Anyhoo must press on.

Last night i joined in Friday Night with friends hosted by our very lovely Cheryll. I'm so thankful to have a virtual sewin to go to.  Thankyou ever so much Cheryll.

I felt like starting a new project, sad i know when i have heaps of UFO's that really, really need to be finished. I have heaps of prepped patterns ready to go to choose from so what did i do? I started a project generously given to us by 16 lovely Australian designers.

On Facebook they have started a group called Love & Hugs from Australia Stitch-A-Long & each day the designated designer for that day will give us a pattern for a 6" block. Yesterday we started with Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse & such a beautiful design it is. Can't wait to see what each block is. The blocks are designed to either make a quilt or to turn then into whatever you want.

I took about 10 photo's trying to get the best shot in various areas of my house & none of them looked any good. This one was about the best.

Pop over here to find out who joined in last night & what their chosen projects were.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

It sounds like a great stitch along... & I considered it BUT I'm trying to get my UFO's and older project worked on in this year of isolation. Good luck with your Jeanette. Thanks for joining in FNwF... see you NEXT Friday again...xox

retdairyqueen said...

I think I will give the Stitch a Long a go too
I have been looking for a new stitching project

loulee said...

I joined in last night, and I also joined the FB group for the stitch along too, but didn't make a start yet.
Your block is coming along nicely. Enjoy.

Karen's Korner said...

I will look forward to seeing your new project grow.

Susan said...

so tempting that new project - no way can I do one a day - but I will give it a go - I think its important to record this event in whatever way we can.

Maria said...

Good on you getting the first stitchery finished..
I often find it hard to take a good photo..

kiwikid said...

Your stitching is lovely, I am keeping the patterns, not sure I can do one a day but enjoying looking at it.

Fiona said...

lovely block... it's funny how sometimes the light just doesn;t pick up the work properly.

Its tough at the moment isn't it.... already April but I think we may be living liek this for most of the year... hope I'm wrong... Luckily we are prepared with stashes...


Susie H said...

Yay! A new project! We always need a new one. Can't wait to see how far you got next week. See you then!

Karen S said...

It does look like these are going to be some great projects from all the designers. Well done getting onto it so quickly. A great start.

Radka said...

Thanks for that, I will go and check it out; this is a lovely stitchery.
I am all for re-starting 2020!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...