Saturday, April 18, 2020

FNSI April

Yesterday I joined in FNSI hosted by our lovely Wendy

I started early as I was determined to get Tail Feathers into a flimsy. I'd spent the last week on & off doing the log cabins. By this stage of the quilt only bits & pieces & a few long strips were all that was left of the 2 honeybuns that the quilt required. So they are quit scrappy.

First up in the putting together was to put borders around the birdie blocks.

Then onto sewing all the log cabins to each other.

And finally it was all made into a flimsy minus the final border. Fabric for that will arrive next week.

Yay for me. One ufo/wip off my list. Now to get to the 99 others. Just joking there isn't that many. 😊😊.

I had planned to do some more stitching on the Love & Hugs from Australia blocks last night but standing in the hot sun waiting to get into Costco made me a little ill so it was bed early for me. The line wasn't long but slow moving as they only let x amount in as x amount leave so we were waiting maybe 10/15 minutes in the sun. If I have to go again before this is all over I'll be taking my big golf umbrella to shelter under.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to find the links on who joined in last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching


retdairyqueen said...

Your Tail Feathers is gorgeous
Hope you got a good nights sleep and are feeling better this morning

loulee said...

Wow, great progress.
There are queues here too. No fun, but better than catching a virus.
Hope you are feeling much better after your early night.

Cheryll said...

ooOOOhhh...lOOking gOOd Jeanette. Can't wait to see it finished.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Well done to you. It's looking wonderful Jeanette! It was a bit of a scorched yesterday....hope a good night sleep helped xx

Maria said...

Nearly there and it will be a gorgeous quilt when done..

Fiona said...

Just stunning.... I love this quilt...

Karen's Korner said...

Great progress. Take care.

Sheila said...

Lovely work Jeanette, hope you are feeling better , this virus has so many affects on life even grocery shopping .Hugs

Karen S said...

Lovely to see this delightful quilt top coming together and looking great.

Raewyn said...

Great to see Tail Feathers coming together - it looks lovely! Sorry to hear about the heat while you were queuing. I find gong to the supermarket really stressful these days so keep putting off my next shop....

Susie H said...

What an adorable quilt! Love the name (Tail Feathers) and the sweet little birds. It is amazing how the sun can just sap the energy right out of you. Hope your week is going well. Glad you have a friend to share some TP with you. So far I've only seen one store selling TP and it was by the roll ... limit 4. Ugh! So far not too desperate.

Susan said...

Well done on the Tail feathers. I havent had to queue anywhere for a supermarket - certainly not in the sun ...I would have left I think.

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...