Sunday, December 6, 2009

My week part 3

Now i will be offline for a week. Internet issues. Just had to add these photo's to my posting. Be sure to scroll down the whole page to see all the postings. Coming back from being in town the other day we stopped at the pet shop. Well you know how that can be a bad idea. Yes we went back & purchased this cute & adorable puppy. Her name is Gypsy. Mind you when we left the shop it was pouring rain. The pet shop is a 5 minute walk from my home so we walked down & it wasn't raining then. Poor puppy had to be carried home in the rain.

Now i normally read back through my postings for typos before i hit the publish post button. Being so tired i didn't quite get them all this morning & i'm very embaressed about the typo in my part 2 post. Sorry Wendy it should have read "now proudly " not "not proudly". I'm so embaressed. So here's photo's to show you it's on my tree along with Melissas ornamnet.
And yes i've checked this posting for typo's
Ok slinking off now in shame. :)

Hugzz, Jeanette

my week part 2

I hadn't been having a very good week with personal issues & migraines & the only hightlight of my days has been opening all those lovely little gifties Jenny sent me in the Advent swap.Each day has brought forth lovely things. A gorgeous silk bag coloured purple with purple buttons, a tin full of yummy lollie, lavender soap, a cute little flowered shaped retractable tape measure & yes it's in my favourite colour - purple, a beautiful ceramic holder with a candle & todays offereing?  a gorgeous Christmas button. Ok if you are counting you'd know i've actually opened 7 presents not 6. Well Jenny had an extra in the box & sadi to me to open it if i was having a bad day. Turns out the last week was mostly all bad but i opened it yesterday.
The Thursday my ornament swap arrived from Wendy along with a handmade card. It's now hanging proudly on my tree. Then Friday the parcel man came not once but twice. He brought me the first time a parcel from America from Melissa who was my Secret Santa in Chookyblues swap.
This is what i pulled out of the box first. See the lovely "J" all in beads. Imagine my delight when i noticed tucked in the bottom thes small packages. totally unexpected. I've opened these ones along with the ornament.Here's the beautiful ornament Melissa made me. Such a cute cat. I love it. Thanks Melissa. Here's what i discovered it all the other little packages.
A Christmas notepad, Christmas tissues, Christmas stickers, a bath bauble, might need that relaxing soak Christmas night, & a thimble. Aren't i a lucky girl. Now you are probably wondering about the 2nd parcel. Well that is a special present from a very special friend in America. She sent me an Advent style parcel. I'm going to save the photo's of these special gifties for another posting. Big hugs & thankyou Kim.

Huzz, Jeanette

my week part 1

Forgot all about showing these 2 finishes from Novemeber & these 2 books

Gorgeous notebook covers i found in an issue of Handmade. Very simple to make.
A while ago i saw this book on Jenny's blog. It peaked my interest so i investigated & decided to buy it.
At about the same time i ordered this book & it arrived over a week ago. Thats how far behind i am in blogging. :( I finished reading it the same night. Great read as usual but now i have to wait until May 2010 for the next one.

Hugzz, Jeanette

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today is the day. :) finally

Well the 1st of December has finally arrived & i can start opening all those lovely gifts sent to me by Jenny.

Look at all these lovely gifts. All wrapped in gorgeous butterfly print paper except the main one which is in a lovely piece of Christmas fabric. Jenny didn't number the presents so i get to have a lucky dip. woo hoo.
Here's number 1. No i didn't take it first 'cause it was a big present.. I just stuck my hand in & that is what i pulled out. :)
And this is what i found. A lovely candle cover. Tried to get a clear photo. It has frangapanis etched around it. Aren't i lucky to get such a sweet gift. Thankyou Jenny.
Hugzz, Jeanette

Monday, November 23, 2009

Heat & Finishes

Despite the soaring heat i've managed to get all my commitments done for the swap's i'm in. Can't show those photo's yet. :) but i can show the 2 cushion covers & another bag i finished. Also finished yesterday in my marathon sewing day was these 2 bon bons.

Yes the bag is a little different to the first one i made. The band at the top is a pale colour.

Thes are the hexagons i received from Lyn in the hexagon challenge. I've an idea in my head but just have to see if it will work with the size Lyn has given us to work with.

Hugzz, Jeanette

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patterns, finishes, ornie swap, fabrics & lunch out

I'd seen this lovely pattern of Rosalie's made up & decided it i needed it.
Ladies in Tasmania went to a recent sewing day & made this lovely pattern of Leanne's House. Of course as soon as i saw it i had to have it too. :)
I took part in an ornie swap in a group i'm in on Yahoo & this is the gorgeous ornament i was sent by my partner.  Isn't it just the cutest mouse in a stocking. 

My friend Joy emailed me the other day to see if i was free for lunch today. You bet i was  :) So before lunch we went out to Rose Patchwork Cottage for fabric therapy. Here's my selection
Some more fabrics for the Civil War Quilts & lovely spotty fabrics for who knows at the moment & a lovely green/cream piece covered in little stars. Also bought is some lovely pink sandcastle fabric
Not sure what i'll make with it yet. Joy & i had a lovely lunch at the local hotels fabulous eating establishment. Thanks for the great company Joy. Oh & i guess you want to know about my finishes? well they are a secret for the sscs swap so i can't tell you a thing about them just yet until the are sent off to ???? in ?????
Hugs, Jeanette

Monday, November 16, 2009

Parcel Delivery For ME !!!!!

Ooooo i'm so excited & don't know how i'll wait until Decmber 1st before i can start opening my Advent gifts from Jenny. The lovely parcel man just delivered this to my front door. Just as well my son heard the man before me or the parcel man might have got a shock at my excitement. Now if only he would be kind enough to deliver my Angel gifts to me which seem to be still wandering to post offices of the world & 2 books which are on back order.Hugs, Jeanette

Thursday, November 12, 2009

fabric, a win, advent swap & some finishes.

I decided to get the lovely background used in The Civil War Brides Quilt & it arrived last week. I've yet to find the time to start the fabulous quilt.

A while ago missymack mentioned on her blog the lack of an all yellow quilt. You always see yellows mixed with other colours. Sam was having a giveaway of a lovely yellow fat 1/4 & i won.
Not a good photo i know but it's a gorgeous piece of fabric.
Can't show you the goodies but here are all the things wrapped up ready to post to Jenny. I hope she likes all the goodies i'm sending.

These last 2 photo's are some finishes. They are gifts for Christmas. The top one is a bag designed by Judith  using teatowels & is in a recent Handmade magazine. The 2nd photo is of 2 cushion covers
Hugs, Jeanette

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Anyone up for a Challenge?

I've decide to participate in Lyn's challenge. There is also a link on my sidebar which will take you to Lyn's blog. I love hexagons & like Lyn i like to see vintage quilts preserved. So take a look & join in but be quick as Lyn only has enough for 17 people.

Hugs, Jeanette

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fabrics, patterns & things.

Monday i went out to Judy Gray's She has opened her patchwork shop under her house. Lots of lovely fabrics in her 2 week sale at $5 & $10 a metre. I bought the above fabrics Monday. The fat 1/4 bundles was $25 for 10 pieces.

I've been after a ruler holder for a while so i bought this one from Cath. Cute little mousie being observed by cats. Then whilst lying ill in bed on Wednesday the postie bought me these.
Ok i only bought the top 2. The name of the bag you can't see is "pretty hexagon baskets". The 3rd one was a surprise. The lovely Linda sent it to me as a thankyou for continual support of her shop. What a sweetie. Also whenever Linda sends the patterns out she includes 2 charm squares. One day i'll have enough to create something. :)
Thursday while shopping in Woolies i discovered these. Cut little ladybird pegs & they found their way into my trolley. Hey, they are so cute who could resist. Besides purple, cats & sewing notion thingys i love ladybirds. :)
Then about lunch time Thursday my SIL rang to see if i wanted to go back to Judy's instead of Spotlight. "sure, why not". So i took my bag of patterns that sit patiently by the back door waiting for fabrics to be bought for them. My bag of patterns amused Judy. The above fabrics are for a Natalie Ross pattern.
These fabrics are for Melly & Me's cute giraffe pattern
Another bundle of fat 1/4's. I'll use these on the Natalie Ross bag.
Well that's my week so far.
Hugs, Jeanette

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More Free Christmas designs

I was visiting Judith this morning & discovered from her 12 designers in America are giving away free Christmas designs starting November 9th. How lucky are we to be scoring all these free designs from these lovely ladies plus our very own Gum Tree Designers

Below is the designers links & the day they are posting their design.

Nov 9th: Gudrun from GE Designs
Nov 10th: Sandy from Piece of My Heart
Nov 11th: Terry from Atkinson Design
Nov 12th: Pat from Pat Sloan & Co
Nov 13th: Heather from Anka's Treausres
Nov 14th: Pam from Pam Kitty Morning
Nov 15th: Kari from New Leaf Stitches
Nov 16th: Terri from Whimsicals Threads
Nov 17th: Sherri from Little Bits of This & That
Nov 18th: Carrie from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.
Nov 19th: Roseann from Rosebud's Cottage
Nov 20th: Linda from Dzyning Things

 Make sure you pop by each of these lovely designers over the 12 days & see what they are offering you. Oh & did i mention there will be prizes on offer as well. Plus a grand prize of $360. You must comment of every blog though to be in the draw.
Hugs, Jeanette
PS: forgot to say start checking out the blogs Nov 3rd USA time 'causethats when the competition starts.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Angel Gifts

I can now show you the Angel gifts i sent to Maria in Denmark. They have arrived safe & sound & posted on her blog.
The lovely bag designed by Helen.

The notebook cover designed by May Britt

The sweet little needlecase designed by Natalie, bookmark by Vicki, butterfly needlecase & pincushion by the girls at The Quilted Crow & the cute little pincushion by Plumcute Designs. I also included for Maria a packet of tim tams which she tells me are all eaten & an address book full of quilt pictures.

Hugs, Jeanette

Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Pattern :)

I'd forgotten about this pattern when i last posted. Found it later on when doing a bit of a clean-up in my sewing area. Yes it's a recently bought one. :) I am hoping to make one or two before Christmas but at the rate i'm going it will be 2010 Christmas before i've got any Christmas things made for me & my family.

Hugs, Jeanette

Friday, October 30, 2009


I've really got to stop buying patterns but when Natalie Lymer posted that her new pattern was out whom am i to resist? :). Now i'm just waiting on the shop getting Gail Pan's new patterns in & that better be it. LOL. :) I just love bags & anything that holds needles, pins, scissors ect. Also waiting for a shop to get back to me about some background fabric. Emailed several time with no response but ended up ringing them. Was trying to avoid that as it's long distance & they are costly. Was told i'd be sent an invoice straight away but i'm still waiting. Grrrr. Hugs, Jeanette

Monday, October 26, 2009

Angel Swap

Here's my Angel gift all parceled up for ?????? to send to ????? . Thanks Helen for organising this fun swap.
Hugs, Jeanette

Thursday, October 22, 2009

forgot about this photo

On my way to the quilt show i saw a lady stop & get out her camera near a road sign. I wondered what had intriuged her enough to take a photo of a boring stop sign. When i was close enough to see what it said i started laughing & had to take a photo for myself.

Didn't stop me one little bit. But had to post this for all those hubbies out there.Especially the few suffering ones i saw at the quilt show yesterday being dragged around by their wives. :)


FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...