Thursday, November 12, 2009

fabric, a win, advent swap & some finishes.

I decided to get the lovely background used in The Civil War Brides Quilt & it arrived last week. I've yet to find the time to start the fabulous quilt.

A while ago missymack mentioned on her blog the lack of an all yellow quilt. You always see yellows mixed with other colours. Sam was having a giveaway of a lovely yellow fat 1/4 & i won.
Not a good photo i know but it's a gorgeous piece of fabric.
Can't show you the goodies but here are all the things wrapped up ready to post to Jenny. I hope she likes all the goodies i'm sending.

These last 2 photo's are some finishes. They are gifts for Christmas. The top one is a bag designed by Judith  using teatowels & is in a recent Handmade magazine. The 2nd photo is of 2 cushion covers
Hugs, Jeanette


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

The fabric is lovely and how good do your prezzies look...good idea for the bag out of tea towels and the cushion covers are just so pretty.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Oh, my, I wish I was Jenny. What a lovely bundle of gifties she's going to receive!!!

FNSI February

I had a nice early start to my day. First thing to do was get out the scrap basket of blues to make this months RSC blocks. Fabrics chosen t...