Monday, February 28, 2011

Some finishes

I managed to finish 3 sewing kits today for New Beginnings. Wish i could say i'd finished UFO's from my list but due to many things this month it wasn't to be. :( At least i can say i haven't added to the UFO list. :) I did clear one more pattern off my list though which i'd bought fabrics for. That's a plus for me.
Pattern from Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches. I did change a few things but now this pattern/kit is off my one day list.
One of Gail Pan's patterns. This pattern has several styles to chose from. All gorgeous designs.
Last kit made was a pattern from Jenny. Beautiful design. Hopefully will be able to give these to the girls at the morning tea Saturday.


A while back Joy posted about buying some gorgeous fabric from her local store. I thought them very pretty & emailed Joy to ask if she would pick me some up. The lovely Joy did so. She is so sweet, :)
I just love the red teacups on white. Don't know what i'll use the fabrics in yet.
I ordered a book from Maree and this is how it arrived in the postal package. Wrapped with a lovely strip of fabric that i can use . :) What book you ask?

This book. Full of interesting things.

Joy arranged to come to Ipswich a couple of weeks back & along with Pammi(no blog yet) we went to the local hotel for a delicious lunch. Wouldn't you know it it poured rain that day. Didn't deter us though as after lunch we proceeded to a sewing machine shop that also sells lots of patchwork fabrics. I came home with a few bits from there. :)
 The red to go with the teacup fabric & found the right purple spot for my clamshells. Now i can get back to making them.

Also found these lovely label panels. The panels & the red fabric were on sale. Yay.
Spotted these on the counter so they also came home with me.
Like i need more scissors. After that we went to Rose Patchwork Cottage

These Civil War fabrics came home with me. They'll be used in Barbara Brackman's Civil War BOW.

A while ago Natalie posted about her latest pattern. .I know, i know i said no more pattern were being bought this year but who was i to resist this adorable pattern. I love cats so what can i say. :)
Finally i've got myself these cute little scissors. I've been hunting a while & found a place that sells them. Yes more scissors. lol. Plus i have a different pair of embroidery scissors on it's way from the USA. hehe

I hadn't looked on eBay in ages for any Crinoline china. Searched & found this biscuit barrel on auction. I bid little thinking i'd win but as you can see i did. Added it to my collection only to realise the Lavender lady's skirt is white whereas all my other Crinoline lady's skirts are yellow. Oh well i'm still pleased with my purchase. Now if i could only get a teapot to match.
Found this gorgeous Easter ribbon whilst shopping the other day. Not sure what i'll do with it yet.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A finish

Finally a finish for February & just in time for 1 Xmas item a month. :)
Finished the quilting & binding today.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Stitchin', Just Stitchin'

I've been blogging now for over 2 years. Since then there has been many wonderful BOM's online & so hard to chose which to do. The first year i had quite a few going & managed mostly to keep up with them all. Still have 3 to add sashings to. ;). Last year i worked on one BOM i think, printed out the rest to do "one day" but they are still sitting there. Same dilemma this year so many lovely BOM's. Which to do ect ect. However the lovely Paula had put out 2 redwork stitcheries which i absolutely love & kept promising myself to start & never have. Yesterday i was on my blog when i discovered Paula had posted the start to this years BOM.

I decided then & there i wasn't going to let another year go by without doing one of her gorgeous BOM's. This is last evenings sewing session.
 The first letter in Home Sweet Home. I think i'll be able to keep up with this one. I used DMC 105 to embroider the block. This years BOM is done in browns.

Finish the 2nd block for Tis The Season and started the 3rd block of Catalicious

Thankyou to everyone who gave me your opinion on my One Flower Wednesday post. I think i have a solution to my dilemma.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Flower Wednesday

Finally i have gotten back to making my hexagons. Yesterday i cut out the freezer paper templates & prepared myself a pile of hexies. Last night i sewed these 4 x 1/2" hexies and
the little baby 1/4". Now a question. I still can't decide whether to add a path or not around my 1" hexies. So i'd like to ask your opinion/advice please.
 I've placed some of the hexies on white background to get an idea if i'd like to do a "path".
 Or the other way i've though of sewing them straight to each other. Please tell me your ideas/thoughts. Or even suggest a different colour for the path.

A while ago i came across a blog selling these & was waiting for Christmas, birthdays, school needs buying to pass before buying one. I then discovered Debbie & her friend were each giving one away. Such a shock when i got an email to say i'd won the one Debbie was giving away. It arrived the same day as my Valentines parcel so i had double excitement that day. Sorry about the piccie but you can see a better photo is you go & visit Debbie.
Whilst in Ipswich on Monday i was browsing in one of my favourite shops & discovered a basket full of critter keyrings. I took a peek & discovered this cat. As you can see he came home with me. :)
 This is what i've been busy working on. The embroidery is now all finished. Just have to back it & bind it & it will be ready for this month 1 Xmas item posting.

A closer & better view of some of the embroidery.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentines Swap

I was only thinking yesterday "i wonder when my parcel will arrive from my swap partner & where it will come from". Today the dog started barking like mad just as i heard my front gate click. Out i went to see the parcel deliverer diving out the gate quick smart. He left the parcel sitting on the post. Little does he know that all the dog will do is jump allover him & lick him to death. So my Valentines Swap had arrived. Off i came inside to eagerly open to see what lovely goodies had been sent to me.
 The box it arrived in. All the way from Portugal. The lovely goodies were sent to me by Isabel. Thankyou Isabel for the lovely gifts. I love the beautiful hearts you made me.
The first heart.Covered in adorable buttons.
One side of the 2nd heart. All covered in beautiful embroidery.

 The other side.A cute little bird.

 Gorgeous threads, ric rac & buttons.
Mustn't forget the yummy looking chocolate. No i haven't eaten any yet. Even though today was a lot cooler the chocolate was still soft. It's in the fridge waiting for me to sit and relax later so i can enjoy them.

 I was so eager to take a photo of all my gifts i didn't even take the wrapper of this handy date book. Isabel must of figured i love cats. :) Lol.

This is the inside. Such an adorable & useful gift.

 Once again Thankyou Isabel.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'd forgotten to take a photo of this when i finished it last week.

The first block from Tis The Season. Hasn't even been pressed or trimmed. I washed the pen out, dried it & put it away in the sewing folder i'm using for Tis The Season.

 I finished another block of Catalicious. It's not pressed. I left it soak overnight to remove the pen but had a very rare problem of some of the green pen not coming out. Had to soak it in a little soapy water but i noticed it didn't all come out. :(. Soapy water usually works. Somehow when getting the next block out i grabbed block 4 from the folder. Doesn't matter though as long as i get them all stitched. :)

 My thoughts are with the people of Far North Queensland as they prepare for Cyclone Yasi to hit.

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...