Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Flower Wednesday

Finally i have gotten back to making my hexagons. Yesterday i cut out the freezer paper templates & prepared myself a pile of hexies. Last night i sewed these 4 x 1/2" hexies and
the little baby 1/4". Now a question. I still can't decide whether to add a path or not around my 1" hexies. So i'd like to ask your opinion/advice please.
 I've placed some of the hexies on white background to get an idea if i'd like to do a "path".
 Or the other way i've though of sewing them straight to each other. Please tell me your ideas/thoughts. Or even suggest a different colour for the path.

A while ago i came across a blog selling these & was waiting for Christmas, birthdays, school needs buying to pass before buying one. I then discovered Debbie & her friend were each giving one away. Such a shock when i got an email to say i'd won the one Debbie was giving away. It arrived the same day as my Valentines parcel so i had double excitement that day. Sorry about the piccie but you can see a better photo is you go & visit Debbie.
Whilst in Ipswich on Monday i was browsing in one of my favourite shops & discovered a basket full of critter keyrings. I took a peek & discovered this cat. As you can see he came home with me. :)
 This is what i've been busy working on. The embroidery is now all finished. Just have to back it & bind it & it will be ready for this month 1 Xmas item posting.

A closer & better view of some of the embroidery.


Linda said...

Congratulations, what a wonderful win and surprise! I LOVE the Dresden with the stitchery around it!! So pretty and it'll be ready to enjoy this year for Christmas!

Karen said...

Love your Christmas piece and nice to see your flowers again. They look lovely with the path, but when I saw them all together they popped with colour! So, that is what I'm voting for.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your hexies are beautiful. I think a garden path helps the flowers to really pop. All together they just sort of blend together and you lose the fact that they are flowers.
Your tree skirt is wonderful - love the embroidery!!

Raewyn said...

Your hexies are lovely - the tiny one is so cute, too. If you were to do a path, I think maybe not a white one as your centres are white and they could disappear? Teresa on 'Stitchin' friends' had a nice setting I saw today...hopefully this link works...
Your Christmas project is lovely too - the embroidery is a nice touch.

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh, what a dilemma for you! I like BOTH your options. The hexies look so pretty simply attached to one another. But I know it's more traditional to have a path between them. Usually it's green. Since I'll never do a hexie quilt myself, I'll just watch and see how you do yours. Whatever you choose, I know it will be wonderful, Jeanette!

Dolly Cloth said...

Love your hexagons (red looks great)very nice Dresden

Monique said...

Your garden is lovely growing!

Gerda Hartman said...

Lovely flowers. So hard to decide. I like both ways, but I think straight to each other best.

Valspierssews said...

Regarding the hexagons I think the altogether option looks more dramatic.

Anonymous said...

I love your hexies. Don't ask me whether to put a path or not...I have had a hard time on that one myself and came up with the hybrid way...

Margaret said...

How did you put the dresden onto the border? I made 5 of those d~@!%*^*^* plates and hand sewed a backing on them , others liked them , I was glad to be finished with them . I wish I had seen what you did first . Yours looks super.

Kate said...

Hi Jeanette..your flowers are looking lovely...I too struggled with the decision of a path way ..then changed my mind and now i am joining them together with out one,,Your dresden Plate looks fabulous...Kate xxx

Sheila said...

Your hexies are lovely Jeanette and I vote for no path .I love the Christmas topper , really sweet with the embroidery . hugs Sheila said...

Lovely hexies, I don't know if i shall make a path for my hexies either. I think Raewyn is right not to use white hexies for yours. Lovely giveaway and your Dresden Plate is gorgeous with those stitcheries!
Greetings, Cisca

Narelle said...

Awwww, Kitty is so cute!
I like both layouts but I'm leaning towards the pathways ... nice and soft.

merumo said...

Very nice blooms with a miniature hexie flower!! I always want to make a miniature ones, but haven't done yet. After winter...

Birdie said...

Lovely flowers, I vote for a path and something other than white. I have a small one which I used green for, not sure what colour I will use this time. Has anyone done black or a similar dark path.

Wendy said...

Wow your flowers are coming along! I can't decide about the path...sorry no help. Love the mini!

Russo said...

I adore this blog. your work is beautiful!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...