Friday, June 30, 2023

RSC June

 Just scraping in with June RSC. Although the colour was change to pastel blue  & green i went with the dark & light blue fabrics originally suggested. That way i have 6 darks & 6 lights.

Now onto making red for July

Happy Stitching,

Friday, June 23, 2023

Tiny Tumblers

The tiny tumbler have all been sewn together.

I still need to trim the side edges & now i'm tossing up whether to bind as is or add a border to make the doll quilt a little bigger. I'll see.

To those who asked i didn't find the missing 2 templates. I pulled apart my sewing trolley that sits beside my chair, the basket of scraps, checked under my chair & around the desktop as they were the only places i had the templates. My conclusion is 1) the packet only had 218 in it or 2) they disappeared into thin air never to be seen again. :) :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 17, 2023


 Yesterday was FNSI for June hosted by Wendy. How did it get to be June already? Anyway moving along sewing hasn't been featuring much in my life of late except to buy a pattern book. :)

I'm still stitching my mini tumblers. The other night i divided what was left up into piles of 16. Hmm seems i'm short an extra 2. Either my packet of 220 only had 218 or i lost 2 somewhere. They could be in the basket of repro scraps when the bag tipped over & i didn't notice them. Cross fingers they are in there.

I stitched 3 rows last night. I have one more to go of the 14 rows but will need to start sewing rows to each other now to get the last 6 templates i need to make that row up.

Now to get the scrap basket out again to not only choose fabrics but to see if the 2 missing templates are in there.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 3, 2023

FNwF June

 I had wanted to make an early start yesterday for FNwF hosted by Cheryll but i have a cold & really didn't feel like doing anything. :( 

About lunchtime even though i was still feeling blurgh I thought i'd make an effort. Maybe i should've left well alone as in making a 12" nine patch block i inadvertently miscalculated & it turned out 9' block instead. lol. Maths never was my strong point. lol.

I had to quickly look through my B&C scraps again as i realised what i had picked out wasn't going to be quite enough to make 4 x nine patch blocks.

The 5 blocks that i liked from the quilt aid project from many years ago & are quite busy & bright making it hard for me to decide on filler blocks & what they would be. I did consider a border but have decided to just quilt the top & bind it.

The evening saw me stitching the moth 3 blocks for Owl & Hare Hollow bom.

I had planned on going to be early but ended up watching Hidden Figures. :) So i got a little further along with the stitching than i expected.

Now i'm off to rummage through my blue fabrics for this months RSC.

Pop over to visit Cheryll for links to see who joined in FNwF

Happy Stitching.

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...