Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pressies & flowers.
My lovely friend Sheila, sent me a gorgeous table topper for Christmas along with these pretty purple blooms.
Another lovely friend, Lynda(no blog), sent me this project holder for my birthday. I just love it & have a project already in mind to store in it. :)
Here is a full view of both outside & inside. Along with the holder was included some hexagon templates. Lynda must’ve read my mind as i need some 1” templates for a project from Natalie Birds Tis the Season stitchery book. Aren’t i lucky to have 2 such lovely friends. :)
As it is Thursday i’m a day late with posting my hexies. I was going to stop at 100 with the 1” hexies & decide whether to add a path or not. I’ve not counted the hexies for a while & decided to do so today. The count for the 1” hexies is at 107, bit over the 100 i know. :) The 1/2” hexies are at 66 & the 1/4” are at 22.
The 1” & 1/2” hexie blooms,
& the 1/4”.
I decided this year not to make a gingerbread house but to make a star tree. I really hate the recipes supplied with the cutters. I managed to get the dough to work in the end but the stars didn’t cook properly. I think my oven was going out on strike with all the cooking it did on the 24th. Lol. With a bit of determination & luck i managed to get the stars stacked & decorated.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My busy days.
I needed to wash the hanging but today turned out to be rainy unfortunately so it’s hanging here wet. Hopefully the hanging will dry out quickly.
Of course being Wednesday i also have my hexagon update. Didn’t think i was going to get any done this week but i squeezed them in. Lol. Above are the 1” hexagons.
3 x 1/2” hexagons. I didn’t set out to make the checked one turn out like it did. Just luck when i saw it after i sewed it together. :) The red one is out of Christmas fabric.
The baby 1/4” one.
Recently in mentioned about visiting Bronwyn’s Red Brolly shop and that i was waiting eagerly for my goodies to arrive. Monday was the day they arrived. :)
2 lovely purse patterns. Bronwyn also had the handles for sale.
Another purse & a Little Carryall for your sewing needs.
The Stitchers Mat. Told you i splurged. :) My Christmas present to myself. :)
Plus i visited Joy to buy one of her new patterns & the lovely Joy sent me a copy of her Tabletopper pattern as well. Isn’t she sweet? Thankyou Joy.
Lastly i succumbed to joining in the stitch-a-long for next year. This is what we’ll be stitching:
A Christmas stitchery by Natalie Bird.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Storms & Patchwork.
My daughters stood on the back landing taking photos letting the wind & rain in. :)
Just a few shots of what it looked like outside. Inside i set about preparing more things to make. :)
The table topper that matches the little embroidered hexies. You can’t really see them but there is traced patterns around the edge to embroider.
Thought i’d done last years free Christmas stitchery from Gail Pan . Then remembered that i didn’t find it until January because we were without internet all of December and i then put it in a folder & promptly forgot about it. :)
This years design from Gail.
Lovely little stitchery from Lisa,
and this cute design from Catherine,
and these were from a stitchery Christmas decoration offered last year from Vicki. I know i won’t get them all stitched up & finished by Christmas but at least i’ll have a head start for Christmas 2011. :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Blooms
Yesterday i set to preparing more hexagon templates for my 1” petals . Got them all prepared & fabrics chosen when i went to get the 1/2” ones out. Damn remembered i’d run out of templates. So an internet search was in order. I didn’t find the original web site i used but found another that had 1/2” templates. Only down side of this web site is that it doesn’t fill the whole A4 paper up.
All templates now prepared & fabrics chosen i sat down to start making flowers. Here are my 1” blooms,
the 1/2” blooms,
and the baby 1/4” bloom.
I’ve been busy preparing more Christmas decorations. I finally managed to get a start on Bronwyn Hayes’ Sugarplum Tabletopper.
Only a little applique to go & then it’s on to the embroidery.
If it doesn’t get finished for this year at least i’ll have a head start for next years Christmas time. :) Lol.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Finishes, Patterns & Books
I framed my redwork stitchery. The pattern is a freebie from Kaaren from last year. I didn’t get round to making it then so i changed the date to 2010 when stitching.
2nd project finished is these cute hexagon stitcheries by Nikki Tervo. I didn't get my blooms done this week for my flower garden so these are my hexies for this week. :)
Couldn’t resist these gorgeous patterns by Natalie Lymer.
I was just about to order these 3 books when a fellow blogger offered me her copies to read. The offer was much appreciated & as you can see of course i said yes. :) I’ve read all 3 & enjoyed them immensely.
Forgot to take a photo of this decoration the other day. It was a free pattern offered last year by Gail Pan.
Lastly my daughter decided i need to by this Rachel Hale coffee mug whilst we were out shopping. Like i need another coffee mug. :)
PS: You can see on my right sidebar i've added Bronwyn's link to her new shop Red Brolly. It was dangerous for me to visit as i came away with quite a lot of goodies. :) But then Bronwyn is one of my favourite designers & it is Christmas. :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
More Christmas Decorations
The green tree all decorated on the verandah.
Covered in twinkling fairy lights.
Not a good shot. :( Damn camera takes age to actually take the photo after press the button. The icicle lights flash in different sequences.
the reindeer & sleigh except the go in different directions. :) Maybe the reindeer is running away. lol The other light is a star. Didn’t seem to matter how many photo’s i took they just didn’t come out clear enough. Really hate the camera. A new on seems to be in order but it will have to wait as i’ve finally got my new computer. YAY.
My daughter decorated the front doors with tinsel & wreath. She hang all sorts of decoration along the verandah too.
The black Christmas tree with the pumpkin light all aglow.
And last but not least a wallhanging my son forgot to take a photo of.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Decorating.
Saturday was the day to bite the bullet & start with the decorating. My daughter wanted a black Christmas tree. Don’t know why as we’ve a perfectly good green one. I told her i wasn’t paying $100 but in the January sales this year they were marked down really cheap. Was a lucky find really as the black trees usually sell out. So we’ve 2 trees up now. The black in the lounge & the green one on the verandah.
This tree got all the handmade decorations that i received last year & that i made. I run out of spaces for my little village so on the floor it went. And yes i’ve pumpkin lights rather than Christmas lights. Why? Because i can. :)
Just hope no-one bumps this little collection off the coffee table. Hate to see the nativity get broken.
Christmas bags all in a row. Honestly i didn’t know where to put them all & decided under the windows was a good place to hang them.
Wallhangings & hearts,
the Christmas banner with Santas all in a row & Mr Snowman hanging around.
I’ll be back tomorrow with photo’s of the verandah.
Little Hearts
All 14 hearts made just in time. :) Now to see what Kathleen makes with hers & decide if i'll do the same or make something up myse...

A busy day yesterday for FNwF . I started early to make up a kit i've had many, many years. Called Colour & Carry it's a handy ...
My challenge for this month was to do something with my numerous kits. I have 1 finish & an almost finish. :) A Christmas mat and a Chr...