Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Blooms

Yesterday i set to preparing more hexagon templates for my 1” petals . Got them all prepared & fabrics chosen when i went to get the 1/2” ones out. Damn remembered i’d run out of templates. So an internet search was in order. I didn’t find the original web site i used but found another that had 1/2” templates. Only down side of this web site is that it doesn’t fill the whole A4 paper up.

All templates now prepared & fabrics chosen i sat down to start making flowers. Here are my 1” blooms,

Picture 033

the 1/2” blooms,

Picture 034

and the baby 1/4” bloom.

Picture 035

I’ve been busy preparing more Christmas decorations. I finally managed to get a start on Bronwyn Hayes’ Sugarplum Tabletopper.

Picture 036

Only a little applique to go & then it’s on to the embroidery.

If it doesn’t get finished for this year at least i’ll have a head start for next years Christmas time. :) Lol.



Linda said...

I so love the tabletopper! You are right, if you don't get it done this year, you'll have a jump on next! LOL! Great way of thinking! Blooms are too cute!!

Karen said...

Very productive again with your flowers. Always lovely! Sweet Sugarplum Tabletopper, hope you can finish it by Christmas.

Narelle said...

I don't know how you manage to get it all done ... I seem to be getting further behind.
Merry Christmas

Robyns Home in the Mountains said...

My goodness, such small tiny teeny hexs...They are all lovely..

Gerda Hartman said...

Love your flowers and the things you make for Christmas. Great job.

Melody said...

Wow Jeanette, you have been really busy and achieved so much.

Kunzfrau said...

So many flowers you have sewn. You were really busy!

Best wishes Marion said...

Your blooms in all sizes are great, good you found new templates. The tabletopper looks lovely, hope you can finish it in time, if not, then next year!
Greetings, Cisca

marion said...

what a wonderfull little hexagons, i espesially like the baby one.And a nice christmas decoration , i love it

Birdie said...

All your blooms are very pretty, the darker ones get my attention. I am also almost out of templates and will have to remember where I found them. If I had a full sheet I could copy and print but I don't think I do.

Anonymous said...


Look at your garden grow. It is beautiful, one bloom at a time. Love the Christmas quilt. Every year I say that I am going to make one, seriously, at the point of just buying one, lol. Great job.


Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...