Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sewing Week

Sunday i thought i'd better start strippin.....
...for my pineapple quilt of course. :) Then i prepared the bit's & pieces needed for 6 ornies
The next 2 evenings were spent on those
Tuesday i was to sew the cream rows on the pineapple blocks ready for Wednesday sewing at my SIL's. Doing it this way so the quilt is done quickly.
Wednesday the scrappy borders were added,
That is all i've done with sewing this week except yesterday when i cut out these cute little fellows
We use compost in the pot plants as well as potting mix & tomatoes came up in quite a few pots. I let them go to see what i'd get
large, cherry & egg tomatoes have fruited. So many tomatoes have formed which makes me happy. So tasty as well.

 Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A sew sew week

I think my sewjo has headed off to have a holiday. Wish it would come back & take me with it. :) All i did this week was
finish this gingie,
 & made a start on the last 4 blocks in Jenny's free Xmas bom.

Wednesday i spent all day add the next round to 70 pineapple blocks
Thinking i should have made a smaller quilt. :) Need to cut & sew more strips now to catch up to my SIL for next Wesdnesday.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, October 17, 2015

No FNSI for me.

I had plans, big plans for sewing yesterday but i was so tired all i did was read. I hoped to do some embroidery last night but went to bed instead. :(

During the week i did finish another Gingie & started the 4th
My SIL & i for sometime have been going to make a pineapple log cabin. All the fabric has been collected for months & months & finally she names a day to start.
This i where i got to Wednesday afternoon when i went home. 35 square in a square made, 1 complete block & a partial block done. I still had 37 squares to cut out to make up to 72 blocks. I did all those on Thursday. Now to turn all those square in squares into pineapple log cabins. Gonna be a big quilt. Blocks are 10".

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

quilt retreat

The weekend of the 3rd & 4th i attended a mystery quilt retreat. All we knew was fabric amounts to buy in 3 colours. When we arrived Saturday morning we were given our 1st sheet to start making blocks.
9 patches was the first sheet, 2nd sheet the flying geese then the retreat co-ordinator put her block on display to show us how the block went together.

Sunday the 3rd sheet was to make the square in a square & the 4th sheet the 3 triangle block. Then the co-ordinators block was again displayed to show us how it went together.
By leaving time i'd only managed 10 blocks of number 1 & 2 blocks of number 2. We've to make 18 of 1 & 17 of 2. Others had half a quilt put together of the 35 blocks. You can see when they are put together there is a secondary pattern.

This was a far a i got by 5 pm Sunday
The little pile on the right is block 1 pieces. The rest is for block 2. No borders were included. I've worked out my borders & have bought the extra fabric needed for them.

I didn't have a lot of sewjo last week. Mostly read but i did finish this gingie.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Friday Night Sewing

Last night i joined Cheryll our very lovely hostess for Friday Night with Friends.
I finished the french knots & satin stitch on this little ornie,
& almost completed this gingie.

Pop over to Cheryll's to find the links to sew what projects were worked on by others who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...