Saturday, July 28, 2018

Having a change.

The last couple of days i've been doing some cross stitch. I bought this little kit quite a while back, made a start & then abandoned it.
I've managed quite a bit in just a few days considering the Aida is a very small weave. Not sure if the count. 

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Round We Go bom

Earlier this week i finally got to prepping the last 4 blocks of my bom
Last night i finished sewing them together
All that is left is to applique these 4 to the backgrounds, trim them back & then sew all the blocks into a top.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Yesterday i joined in FNSI hosted by the lovely Wendy.  In the morning i trimmed the stitcheries from Send My Love bom by Gail Pan ready to sew onto their backgrounds.

 After that i spent several hours with my son trying to get an issue with the desktop sorted. And wouldn't you know it despite spending money buying a new Windows program it still isn't fixed. Grrr. Hopefully today it will get sorted.

Then last night i appliqued the stitcheries to the backgrounds
and July blocks are done.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to see the links to find what projects everyone who joined in worked on

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ruth's Dream stitcheries.....

......are done. I finished the last stitch in the label last night. :)
All trimmed up ready to go. Now i just need to cut out the fabrics that go with them & turn it all into a top at least. :)

The No Fuss Stitch along ladies are going to host another one next year. This is the chosen project
I was lucky to get a copy. If you have one & want to join in pop over to the blog post here & let the ladies know you are interested in joining in.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Name banner.

I was playing thread chicken & sadly i lost. On the last letter from Miss "C's" name banner & all i needed was a little bit more thread to finish. Oh well a trip to the local patchwork shop is in order then. :)
Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Snow Happy Heart July.

I finished my snow happy heart on Sunday night after spending all weekend in bed with a migraine.   :(.
I changed mine a little as the designer made hers to celebrate the 4th of July & i didn't want mine to reflect that. Pop over & visit Shez to see her July heart.

Then i've been stitching up Baby "C's" name banner.
The next letter was almost finished last night. :) Just 5 left after i finish it off.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 7, 2018


 Time for FNwF hosted by the very lovely Cheryll.  Thankyou for being our hostess again this month.

Seems everytime i plan an early start for one of the sew in days my daughter has her orthodontist appointment. :) oh well them's the breaks. lol

When i got back i traced out the letters for baby C's banner
I'm using the baby alphabet by Michelle.

Next up i traced the remaining stitcheries from Ruth's Dream quilt
Once these are stitched the quilt can be sewn together.

After that i prepped out this months heart block
 Whilst watching the late afternoon news i started on these
I finished the 4 flowers ready to send off to the lady who is making 2 quilts to give to the 2 ladies  who started us on our Libby Morgan journey. They are to be a thankyou gift from us all. I've still to write my name in the centres.
after that i started stitching my heart until bedtime.
 Pop over here to find link to the blog of who joined in & what projects were worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...