Saturday, July 7, 2018


 Time for FNwF hosted by the very lovely Cheryll.  Thankyou for being our hostess again this month.

Seems everytime i plan an early start for one of the sew in days my daughter has her orthodontist appointment. :) oh well them's the breaks. lol

When i got back i traced out the letters for baby C's banner
I'm using the baby alphabet by Michelle.

Next up i traced the remaining stitcheries from Ruth's Dream quilt
Once these are stitched the quilt can be sewn together.

After that i prepped out this months heart block
 Whilst watching the late afternoon news i started on these
I finished the 4 flowers ready to send off to the lady who is making 2 quilts to give to the 2 ladies  who started us on our Libby Morgan journey. They are to be a thankyou gift from us all. I've still to write my name in the centres.
after that i started stitching my heart until bedtime.
 Pop over here to find link to the blog of who joined in & what projects were worked on.

Happy Stitching,


retdairyqueen said...

You managed to get a bit done even with the late start
Always good when the tracing is done

Maria said...

You sure got to work on lots of projects.. They'll keep you busy for a while..
What a lovely idea to make the special quilt for the ladies who organised your hexie sal.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful work my friend you are so organised,i havent started my Bunnyhill heart yet,i must get it prepped today,hope you havea wonderful weekend xx

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

You got lots done! It's especially great to get all that prep work done! xx

Karen's Korner said...

Great progress was made. Well done.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lots done for you Jeanette. Look forward to seeing your Alphabet creation x

Fiona said...

More lovely stitchi g coming up …. It's great getting a whole lot of prep work done ….

Cheryl said...

Always lots of gorgeous things you are stitching Jeanette

Binsa said...

Hi jeanetteyou are so productive enjoyed your pist

Binsa said...

Oops typo error Jeanette should read post

Helen said...

Great work on all of your projects.

Julie said...

I always think you achieve SO much Jeanette & work on lots of different projects. I think tracing & prepping work can take so long sometimes. Always good when its all done.

Susan said...

Lots of variety there Jeanette said...

Quite a collection, glad you got to stitch :)

Anthea said...

Lovely range of projects Jeanette♥

Cheryll said...

Thanks for stopping in at FNWF too... xox

Anonymous said...

All lovely projects!

FNwF March

 I was rather slack for FNwF. To concerned about that cyclone. I'm hoping that the winds won't affect me to greatly. Well i've p...