Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Snow Happy Heart July.

I finished my snow happy heart on Sunday night after spending all weekend in bed with a migraine.   :(.
I changed mine a little as the designer made hers to celebrate the 4th of July & i didn't want mine to reflect that. Pop over & visit Shez to see her July heart.

Then i've been stitching up Baby "C's" name banner.
The next letter was almost finished last night. :) Just 5 left after i finish it off.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Good morning my lovely friend ,love your version of July's deco and boy you have been doing so well with your baby banner letter's,lovely work Jeanette and i hope you are feeling alot better now,not much fun having a migraine xx

Fiona said...

Lovely work... those name letters are so pretty... hope you are feeling heaps better now...


Julie said...

Love your snow heart Jeanette ... saw the one on Shez's blog also. When I do name banners for babies, I always want them to have really short names :-)

Allie-oops Designs said...

Aw how sweet is that!!! So sorry about your migraine hon...

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

The snow heart is so pretty! I would have changed it from the 4th of July too :) xx

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh, forgot to say... sorry about the migraine... Hope you're feeling better now :( xx

Anonymous said...

Really cute snowman.

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