Saturday, August 27, 2016

hexagon quilt prgress

It  is slow sewing on the hexagon quilt as they are a little awkward to sew together this way. All the papers that have been left in are getting all scrunched up. Nothing a good iron won't fix. I use the gluing method for the hexagons & have found that the paper unfortunately sticks to well to the fashion fuse i use behind the embroidery. So far i've only had one paper stick hard in the embroidered ones that tore to pieces. Hopefully it will be the only one. Not that i'm short on 1" papers. :)

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hexagon Quilt

Today i laid out the hexagons to get an idea how i want them to be sewn together as there are more pinks & blues than other colours. Got to the bottom & discovered I'd counted wrong with the embroidered hexies. I need 5 more. Oh well back to tracing & embroidering. Butvi did find i have quite a few flowers & cut out hexagons left over. 😊. Crappy photo & overcast day doesn't do justice to the lovely bright fabrics of Dilly Dally.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, August 20, 2016

FNSI fail (August)

This how i spent my FNSI
book in one hand tissues in the other. I came down with a cold during the week & haven't felt up to doing a thing.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Wendy for the links to see what projects were worked on last night.

Happy Stitching.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friday Night With Friends August

I was going to start early with sewing but i needed to bake something to take to Mum's today. Once i decided to cook i went on a spree. :)

First up
Craisin Raisin biscuits followed by
date & nut loaf & lastly
banana struesel muffins.

Last night i stitched the leaves on my hexies.
i got one panel done & about half way through the 2nd.

Earlier in the week i finally finished all the flowers on that last panel shown in last weeks blog post. The leaves are all done on these 2 as well.
Hopefully i can get all the satin stitch done this week so i can place these hexies over papers & start sewing the quilt together.

 Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll to find the links to see that everyone else worked on last night

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...