Saturday, December 28, 2019

Special ornaments

 Beautiful handmade ornament & card from Maria

Love the pretty Angel from Fiona

The crocheted star was included when I received my beautiful needlecase from the IG swap.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Some projects.

I participated in a swap on IG to make a needlecase. I made several, some still need finishing but in the end i sent this one.

Helen from Hugs N Kisses is running an Advent stitch along which I joined. These are the first 10.

 Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A little finish

Another kit from long ago now taken off my must make list. The little candle mat didn't take long to stitch together.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, November 18, 2019

November Medallions

November's medallions are done & ready to get my swap partners one into the post. Hope she likes it.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Friday Night Sew In November

Last night I joined in with our lovely hostess Wendy for FNSI.

I had lots of plans for my sewing but Mother Nature had other ideas. Thursday night i got a call from my Mum to say she had to prepare to be evacuated because an out of control bushfire along the border ranges was heading towards her little town in Northern NSW. The feelings of frustration & worry cannot be described. I cannot get there to help her as the roads are all cut of for traffic heading south from where i live. So i spent most of Thursday night in a very upset state.

The alarm to evacuate wasn't given but the crisis is far from over. Talking to her yesterday the fire was still racing for the town but by late yesterday evening the winds had turned & the fire was being forced back onto itself. That crisis averted for now but the fire is still burning & the winds can still change at anytime & send the fire racing back towards the town. According to the NSW fire page over 5000 hectares have burnt along the Border Ranges just north of Mum.

Yesterday was so hot here too that even if i felt up to sewing i was just to hot. But i did do a little stitching last night on Joseph on the Christmas hanging i've been stitching,
Another beautiful Christmas design from Natalie Bird.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to find the links to who all joined in last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

FnwF November

Last night i joined in with our lovely hostess Cheryll for FnwF.

I started my day with finally putting the binding on a quilt that has been waiting a month. :) I had a helper.

1st quilty kitty.

Next i caught up with adding the borders to my Christmas BOM. I've been good at keeping up with all the stitching but have been slack since June about the borders & also making up the projects that came with the BOM. Those are next on my list. :)
Hmmm same quilty kitty helper. :)

Next up was some tracing out
 Not a very clear photo i know. I must have taken about 20 shots but none will show up clear. :(. Novembers Christmas BOM & project stitchery.

I'm taking part in a needlecase swap again this year & as i can't quite decide what i want to send i've pulled several patterns out to make up. Again the tracing is hard to see.
I'm making the case & matching pincushion from this set.

That done i sat down to hand sew the binding down only to be "helped" by quilty cat number 2.
Very hard to move the quilt around with a cat on the quilt.

After the binding was done i started one of the needlecase patterns i'd chosen. It came as a kit so i didn't have any cutting out to do.
I bought the matching dilly bag pattern/kit too which i did have to cut the flower out for & i'll make it up to go with the needle case.

So onto Saturday morning so i could take a photo of the quilt. I started this quilt October 2015 as a weekend mystery quilt. I put the rest of the blocks & the top together in January 2018. It finally made it to the top of the quilt top ufo pile to be quilted.

 Thankyou to Fiona for the beautiful quilting.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links to who all joined in last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 25, 2019

October Medallions

I finally made myself sit & do the medallions for October. Just in time seeing as there is only a week left & we'll be into November.

Earlier this week a sewing box I've been wanting for a while popped up on my Facebook feed & as it was a local selling it I quickly snapped it up. He has a few antique sewing machines I'd like too. 😁😁.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Friday Night Sew In October

Last night i joined in FNSI hosted by our lovely Wendy Thankyou for hosting us again Wendy.

I started stitching in the afternoon watching Netflix & trying out the Caramilk chocolate that is all the rave. So popular that my local supermarkets haven't had stock since it came in 3 weeks ago. My lucky day yesterday as i decided to just check the shelves on the off chance stock was in. Finally it was. :)

I really hate satin stitch & that was all that was left to do on block 8 of the Christmas BOM i'm doing.
There was just so much of it on this months block. I'm hoping month 9 has a little less. :)

Pop over to here to find links to see who joined in last night & the projects that were worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Christmas Ornaments

4 more ornaments finished to add to my Christmas decorating.
Rudolph Ornaments by Fig 'n' Berry creations

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

FnwF October

Despite being away I managed to join in with lovely hostess Cheryll for some stitching.
I've was doing all the satin stitch on the stockings.

Thanks for being our hostess Cheryll. Pop over here to find links to who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy stitching

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Christmas Ornies

Time got away from me being so busy working on my EPP quilt that the 25th arrived around before I knew it. The 25th is usually when I post on One Xmas Item A Month.

I looked through my prepped pattern basket and found a little kit that wouldn't take long. It included 3 ornies
Plus a wreath
The ornies can be hung inside the wreath

My ribbons are a little long, the pattern didn't give any guide as to how long they should be cut.

Happy stitching,

Monday, September 23, 2019

FNSI September

I did join in this time, just a little late posting because I woke Saturday with a migraine. Thankfully as time goes by they seem to be getting less & less frequent. Maybe by next year I'll never have a migraine ever again. 😊😊.

 I finished off a few stitches on Santa

 Then started on the next stitchery
Both stitcheries are from Gail Pan's Christmas BOM.

Thankyou to Wendy for being our lovely hostess. Pop over to Wendy's blog to see who all joined in & what projects they worked on

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Coffin quilt

The last few weeks I've made myself sit & sew my coffin quilt & i put the last shape on last night. Now to decide whether or not to fill in the spaces on the top, bottom & sides with EPP or just applique straight onto border fabric.
It fits nicely on my queen bed & comes already prepared with obligatory quilty cat. 🤣🤣.

There is 1495 coffin shapes in the top & i've tried not to double up any pieces. There are ones that have same pattern but different colours.
Time for a new project I think. Well at least catch up on this months Christmas BOM's before October's arrive or even this months medallions. 😊😊.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Friendship Medallions

Last night I decided to lay out my hexagon medallions just to see how they look together so far.
The 6 on the left are ones I've made & the ones on the right are the ones I've received so far. Now the problem is to choose a layout as there are so many ideas.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Christmas candle mat

I bought this candle mat as a kit a while back & I got it out a few days ago to stitch together. The original had a fabric base that wrapped over the black felt but I wasn't keen on that so I cut out the red felt circle to go underneath instead.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 17, 2019

FNSI August

Last night i joined our lovely hostess Wendy for FNSI.

I started out stitching on block 6 of my Christmas BOM. I finished the 's' in presents then stitched 6 & a, went to re-thread my needle only to discover i'd picked up the wrong cottage garden thread when stitching 6 & a. Darn had to unpick them  to restitch with the correct colour thread. I shouldn't have 2 stitchery projects near each other using cottage garden threads. :) Despite that little set back i did get all the letters finished, the stars done & started on the bird.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to discover who joined in last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August medallions

My August medallions are done. I'll have to lay them out soon & see how I want to sew them together once I have them all.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 3, 2019

FNwF August.

How did it get to be August already? Anyway yesterday i joined in with our lovely hostess Cheryll & lots of other ladies for Friday Night with Friends

I needed to bind a quilt that i'd received back from Fiona last month so i started the day by making the binding & then attaching it by machine. As always Fiona has weaved her magic & the quilting is beautiful.

This is Ice Cream Soda. It was an EPP bom from Tales Of Cloth in 2017. All the flowers came from my scrap basket & the borders from my stash. The only thing i bought for it was the backing. The top was completed in January 2018 & it has been patiently waiting it's turn to be quilted.
The afternoon/evening was spent hand stitching the binding down whilst watching a series on Netflix.

After i machined the binding down i ironed on the transfer for block 6 of my Christmas BOM.
Now i'd better get busy stitching. :)

After i'd put the last stitch in the binding i added a few stitches to this little stitchery.
I managed to get the bird done on the bottom half before bed called me.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links to the ladies who joined in & see what projects they all worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...