Sunday, November 26, 2023


 I wasn't sure about my desert roses this year. They looked ok but were taking their time putting out leaves. Finally a few weeks back leaves appeared so now i patiently waited to see if flowers would come out. I've been rewarded. :)

Only 2 of my 4 have flowers this year. The big desert rose has buds as of yet.

The hydrangea i took photos of a while back has bloomed. So glad i saved it as it has such pretty pink flowers.

Waiting now for the blood lily to bloom. I was surprised this morning to see how many were in the pot. when i looked the other day there was only one.
this was a pot i rescued from Mum's. So glad i saved it.

The achimenes i rescued haven't faired so well & i'm not sure why. My brother gave me a pot with a few in & it has flowered. There is 4 blooms with another one coming out.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 18, 2023

FNSI November

 I was sorting out things in my sewing room the other day & came across a stitchery i have no idea where it came from. Despite having other things i needed to finish i made a start. :)

This is where i was up to last when i joined in FNSI hosted by Wendy

and how far i made it before bed called me. :) Just the bottom section to go & then the dreaded satin stitch. lol

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

a new jigsaw

 I finally managed to get the last jigsaw done but upon completion found a piece missing. I've looked everywhere but have not found it. I don't know if it was already missing or if it it was lost whilst i was putting it together. Most disappointing.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 4, 2023

FNwF November

 Yesterday was FNwF hosted by Cheryll

Recently Gail Pan put out a 3 part Christmas pattern but i was a bit late to start. Finally managed that this week. Last night i started on number 2 stitchery.

By the time i went to bed i made it this far.
Hopefully i'll finish it tonight & can move onto number 3.

Pop over here to see who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 Mum had a Hoya plant near her back door but as it was entangled  around things & rooted itself into the ground i couldn't remove it when we were cleaning the house out last year. I did the next best thing & took a piece from it which had some roots on it. Planted it a hanging pot & crossed fingers it would survive.

It did & it has 4 flowers on it. 1 has opened, another is ready to open & there are 2 tiny ones just forming.

A while back i bought these 2 plants to put in the front garden. I've been quite slack in doing so but that just means i get to enjoy them looking out the kitchen window or when i'm out the back. :)

My brother palmed off gave me a hibiscus plant year before last. I honestly didn't think it was going to survive no matter what i did. The soil was looking a bit low so last week i carefully took it from the pot added more soil in the base & around it after putting the plant back. Low & behold flowers are starting to appear.
I hope my plants survive the heat of summer.

We had  random visitor last week. I don't know where it came from or where it went after it left as the house isn't near any bushland.

Happy Stitching,

Little Hearts

 All 14 hearts made just in time. :) Now to see what Kathleen makes with hers & decide if i'll do the same or make something up myse...