Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Chookshed Stitchers challenge #9

 My crazy patch blocks went from this

to this yesterday

Ready now for the next number on the list. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 27, 2024

RSC April

 Yellow is the colour for this months rainbow scrap challenge.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Anzac day 2024

  They shall not grow old, as we are left to grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. We will remember them. 

Lest We Forget.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Teeny weeny things.

 The tiny bug has bitten. :) :). I saw a post on IG yesterday about making diamond hexies with 3/8th" hexies. Hmm i have some of those i might make on up using my pile of repro scraps & then i had another thought. I should get the 1/4" hexies out as well. After all that is what i've been saving all the very small repro fabrics for.


first ones made i then proceeded to make a few more. lol
I really didn't need to start any new projects but there you have it, the tiny bug has well & truly bitten.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, April 20, 2024

FNSI April

I made an early start for FNSI hosted by Wendy . First up were the tiny nine patches.


1- 1/2"

I've wanted to make a scrappy cracker quilt for a while so made a start on that with 4 yellow blocks.
The evening project was diamond hexies
end hexies on the top left, 3 whole ones & the start of another.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stictching,

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

nine patches

 Somehow i have gotten behind again with my nine patches so yesterday i sat & sewed & i am all caught up.

Week 12

week 13

I think i need to find a new storage container. :)

There is 130 of each size in the container.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 6, 2024

FNwF April

Last night for FNwF hosted by Cheryll i stuck with trying to finish of a ufo/wip.

At the start of the evening this block just needed a bit of satin stitch

all done. Now to try & rinse the tracing pen out & not have the thread bleed. ~)

Then onto the third panel
1 tree completed.

Pop over here to see who joined in. Thanks for hosting us again Cheryll.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Needlecase Swap

 I'm participating in a needlecase swap on IG. I chose Sewing Mouse Needlebook by Natalie Bird to make.

I've made this twice now & both times have given it away. Maybe one day i'll make one for myself. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, April 1, 2024

#9 Chookshed Stitchers Challenge

 Spotting a post from Deana I looked to see if it was about the number for April. Yes it was so I checked my list. Hmm I really hope those blocks are in the same crate as last months.

Yes they were. :) This month I need to make something from crazy patch blocks that were made in swap back in 2011.

Not sure yet what to make from them. 

Happy Stitching,

Stitching & garden surprises.

 I've been catching up on my nine patches AGAIN. :) Total to date is 280 of each size. Some Lucy blocks. The partly finished one has bee...