Wednesday, April 10, 2024

nine patches

 Somehow i have gotten behind again with my nine patches so yesterday i sat & sewed & i am all caught up.

Week 12

week 13

I think i need to find a new storage container. :)

There is 130 of each size in the container.

Happy Stitching,


kiwikid said...

Well done on the catching up the blocks all look great.

Julie said...

130 is amazing Jeanette!! I think you definately may need a new storage container at that rate. xx

Maria said...

always feels great when we catch up on our challenges.
How many more do you need to make?

Jeanna said...

Excellent job on catching up. 130 blocks of EACH, amazing!

loulee said...

That's a lot of little nines.

Fiona said...

Thats a good pile of nine patches..... delicious!

marina said...

love 9 patches and yours are multiplying nicely.
Lots of great christmas stitching in your previous post too.

Hanne said...

Beautiful ninepatches :-)

Susan said...

I hadn't realised there were different sizes...but that is a LOT of pieces.

Karen's Korner said...

That is a LOT of 9 patches. Well done.

Chookyblue...... said...

your doing great on the catch up.....


 I've finished with the appliqued hexagons. I've 42 blocks so should be a nice size quilt. I've decided to snowball the blocks s...