Monday, May 31, 2010

4 last minute finishes squeezed in for May

Sunday was spent sewing a little pile of wallhangings trying to get them done in time for May finishes. Only managed to complete 4. The other 2 will have to be June finishes. :) Only have the bindings to sew down.
Redwork teacups by Mum's Moment.
A chooky Welcome by The Chook Shed (when they were The Chook Shed).
Not sure who the designer of this stitchery is.
Another Chook Shed design. So glad these are finally off my UFO list. So far i've been managing to keep my promise i made myself this year. :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quilt & Craft show

Fortunately the show was held in a big hall as it rained most of the day. My lovely friend Maree picked me up & i had a nice time wandering around looking & buying.  Some very lovely quilt & crafts on display but guess what? I forgot my camera. :( . Stalls were set up around the walls for the buying pleasure of attendees. First off i visited Judy's stall. Lots of lovely fabrics on display & fortunately she had some of the fabric there i needed for the sashing in Lisa's Hearts Bom.
Lovely pink with spots from the same range i bought for the heart applique.
I found some lovely Civil War & Reproduction fabrics on Judy's stall.
A visit to Nikki Tervo's stall found me buying bags of buttons & some of Nikki's gorgeous patterns. The white buttons are for the Heart Bom, the holly to decorate some Christmas gifts & i'm always needing the tiny buttons for projects.
This stitchers companion by Nikki came with the buttons supplied.
Just love teapots. :)
Couldn't resist this stitchery either( buttons supplied). Also have another pattern but unfortunately Nikki didn't have them on the stall so i'm having it posted to me. :) Nikki was telling us she has now opened a shop.
Spotted this thread catcher on the stall who was there to raise funds for a ward at the local hospital. Now i know i could've made this myself but there was another reason for buying - it contained fudge. lol. When i got home i put it on the ironing board & my kids discovered it there next to the cat. Can you see where this is going?
Yep the cat now has a crown. The amazing thing is he sat there for ages with it on.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pattern buying again. :)

I truly do try to resist buying more patterns. :) But when my favourite designers put out new patterns what's a girl to do? :) Haven't added a photo but i have also bought Jenny's beautiful "A Christmas Story". Pop over to Jenny's blog to see the finished quilt.
The gorgeous Nowra bag made by Bronwyn Hayes.
And this gorgeous collection of Strawberries from Natalie Ross. So glad Lynda always seems to have the patterns in stock when i find new patterns have been released.
Have a great day. I think i'm off to a craft group open day. Lots of lovely quilt, crafts & stalls to look at Well i'm hoping so as it's raining here so crossing fingers about it.
 PS: if you would like to win the strawberries pattern then pop over to Lisa's blog as she is giving one away.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh Wednesday has arrived again. :)

My hexagons for this week. Still haven't decided what i'll do with them yet. Maybe a single bed quilt. :)
Got this about a week ago from the Book Depository. I've been waiting for so long. Not from the book shop but the author. Earlene usually names the books after quilt blocks but this time it's after the annual fair & yes it's still about quilts & murder. :)

My lovely jelly roll. Lumiere de Noel by French General. Using this on some Christmas presents.
I've seen this made up on a few blogs & liked what i've seen so i decided to buy the pattern myself. Lovely design from Fiona.
Hugs, Jeanette

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How does your garden grow???

Why with pretty hexagons of course. :)
Yes it's One Flower Wednesday time. 
I managed 3 this week. Brings me to a total of 9.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bag & other things

The bag Sandy made for me in the recent Snickerdoodle bag swap arrived. Sandy lives in USA.
The theme was "garden" & Sandy has used some lovely flowered fabrics. It's a great size for putting my projects in for patchwork club.
This book finally arived a week or so ago from the book depository. Fabulous book place.
I've been eyeing this book off for weeks at the local shops & succumbed last week when Big W had a sale on books. Lots & lots of yummy recipes in this.
I needed a new ironing board cover. Found one that had writing on but couldn't quite read what it said. I had a laugh when i placed it on the ironing board. :) Hope it gives you all a smile.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Here it is Wednesday again. Can someone tell me where the week has gone?. Last night at the dinnertable i mentioned something to the girls about today & said it's Tuesday. Both girls replied "it's Wednesday tomorrow". "what? it can't be." So i'd also like to know where one of my days went this week. :( On a positive note i did get 2 hexagons made.
Mmm they look a little dull but the orange is really very bright. Also have another 6 ready to sew together.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hearts BOM

I've been(finally) working on Lisa's gorgeous heart BOM. Here are the first 2 blocks. Can't wait for block 3. :) 
Block one

And block 2.
Thanks Lisa for sharing your BOM with us,
Hugs, Jeanette

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tote made for Snickerdoodle swap

I can now show you the tote i made Sandy for the Snickerdoodle swap. Sandy emailed to let me know it has arrived safe & sound in Texas.
The front.
And the back.

Hugs, Jeanette

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Actually i have 2 flowers for today. I've 2 more cut out ready to sew & just prepared another 6 to cut out. I think i've been bitten by the hexy bug. :)

Also this finally arrived in the mail yesterday. I bought it through the Book Depository & they did say there may be delays due to the volcano erupting. I've started reading & so far so good.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patterns & Fabrics

Forgot to show some recent purchases & some fabrics given to me.
Sue mentioned using a sewing cushion for embroidery, applique & hand piecing. Figured i could use one too & purchased Sue's pattern. It's paper pieced & came with the papers.
I'd seen this very cute pincushion made up & thought it so adorable i just had to get the pattern. I was lucky the lovely Linda had it in stock.
Jenny was having a clean up of fabrics & she thought of me & how i love purple. I knew Jenny was sending me a "little" something but was so surprised when i opened the parcel. Lucky, lucky me. :)
Needed this for a project & finally found some. Why is it when you don't want a particular fabric you can buy the whole roll but when you do want it you can't find it?.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

1st May Finish

My bonus son really liked the lady bug i made for an exchange last year & has been asking me to make one. So instead of playing World of Warcraft today i prepared some applique, printed out more hexagons for Wednesday & finally made the lady bug,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...