Sunday, May 2, 2010

1st May Finish

My bonus son really liked the lady bug i made for an exchange last year & has been asking me to make one. So instead of playing World of Warcraft today i prepared some applique, printed out more hexagons for Wednesday & finally made the lady bug,


Roseanne said...

Your lady bug is so cute.

Sheila said...

Jeanette, that is just too cute ,how creative you are !

Michelle said...

Yup cute cute cute!!!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I agree that is just so cute.

Unknown said...

Very Noice.

Days and colors said...

It looks sooo cute!

Unknown said...

Wow Jeanette that is fantastic !

Cubby House Crafts said...

Your lady bug is just too cute!

Hearts & a finish

 I have joined in with Kathleen Tracy to make 14 hearts for the next 14 days. T hese little hearts aren't about just about Valentines da...