Monday, July 26, 2021

EPP project

 I've been making a little progress on my new EPP project. Making the little triangles is fiddly & time consuming. I make up a large pile & then i stitch flowers for a while so i don't get bored with it. When i run out of little triangles i start the process all over again. :). The large triangle templates arrived the other day so i'll be able to make them up now. I'm thinking of using red for the large triangles.

Hmmm seems like i have a bit of a photo bomber in the top right corner. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Last night i joined in

hosted by Wendy.

As i haven't done any EPP for a while i went on the hunt for one to start/work on. I remembered that i had been making hexies for a project ages ago & all i needed to do was start on the little triangles for the project. I had to go onto Instagram to find my friends quilt that i'd gotten inspiration from & discovered that she'd made it back in 2018. Geez i didn't think those hexies had been made for that long. :)

 I found up a few white/cream repro's & made up a few triangles.

Until i find more fabrics for the small triangles i thought i'd make a flower up.

I got one finished & started a 2nd before i had to give up my lounge room. Long story so the short version is youngest son has been camping in my lounge for for several weeks. He has finally got a new place to live & will be moving out Monday. 

Now i just need to find where i've stashed the larger setting triangle templates to start making them up.

Pop over here to see who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 3, 2021

FNwF July

 Yesterday was time for

hosted by Cheryll.

My first project to finish was the rabbit hanging i was quilting last month. It just needed the binding.

2nd project(also from last month) was a needle roll also just needing the binding

3rd project was also from last month. It had been quilted & just needed backing & binding because it's a cushion cover

Lastly was a project i kept pulling out then putting back because i couldn't decide on fabric for borders. In the end i decided to just bind it.

I didn't quite get the binding finished when it was time for bed. :)

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links to who joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...