Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 Mum had a Hoya plant near her back door but as it was entangled  around things & rooted itself into the ground i couldn't remove it when we were cleaning the house out last year. I did the next best thing & took a piece from it which had some roots on it. Planted it a hanging pot & crossed fingers it would survive.

It did & it has 4 flowers on it. 1 has opened, another is ready to open & there are 2 tiny ones just forming.

A while back i bought these 2 plants to put in the front garden. I've been quite slack in doing so but that just means i get to enjoy them looking out the kitchen window or when i'm out the back. :)

My brother palmed off gave me a hibiscus plant year before last. I honestly didn't think it was going to survive no matter what i did. The soil was looking a bit low so last week i carefully took it from the pot added more soil in the base & around it after putting the plant back. Low & behold flowers are starting to appear.
I hope my plants survive the heat of summer.

We had  random visitor last week. I don't know where it came from or where it went after it left as the house isn't near any bushland.

Happy Stitching,


Julie said...

Hi Jeanette. I have been wanting to add a Hoya to my plant collection for awhile now. My gardening mag has shown all the different types & it is mind boggling. But the one that I liked the most has the same pretty flower as your Mums one. A shame I am not your neighbor or I could come pinch a leaf!! 😉 Your garden is looking pretty & colourful. xx

Lin said...

Always lovely to rescue a plant and good that you have been able to root some of that Hoya - I hope it has a long and happy life! xx

Fiona said...

that lovely Hoya has found a happy home.... they are so interesting and pretty..
Lovely plants...

Maria said...

So special that’s your Mums Hoya took and is flowering.
You also have many other lovely plants.

kiwikid said...

Wonderful you could rescue your Mums hoya, or at least part of it. It must be happy if it has flowers.lovely colours in your pots, hope the hibiscus flourishes for you.

FNSI October

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