Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Decorating.

Saturday was the day to bite the bullet & start with the decorating. My daughter wanted a black Christmas tree. Don’t know why as we’ve a perfectly good green one. I told her i wasn’t paying $100 but in the January sales this year they were marked down really cheap. Was a lucky find really as the black trees usually sell out. So we’ve 2 trees up now. The black in the lounge & the green one on the verandah.Picture 011

This tree got all the handmade decorations that i received last year & that i made. I run out of spaces for my little village so on the floor it went. And yes i’ve pumpkin lights rather than Christmas lights. Why? Because i can. :)

Picture 010

Just hope no-one bumps this little collection off the coffee table. Hate to see the nativity get broken.

Picture 012

Christmas bags all in a row. Honestly i didn’t know where to put them all & decided under the windows was a good place to hang them.

Picture 013

Wallhangings & hearts,

Picture 015

the Christmas banner with Santas all in a row & Mr Snowman hanging around.

I’ll be back tomorrow with photo’s of the verandah.



Linda said...

Decorations look very pretty. The black Christmas tree is great. Very unique and I love that. The pumpkin lights are my fave! LOL!

Terry said...

I have never seen a black Christmas tree! How unusual! :0)

Wendy said...

Never seen a black Christmas tree either, although my boys (when they were teenagers) would have chosen a black one if they'd had a choice. Good for you getting your decorating done. I just can't make myself do anything Christmassy...don't know why! I suppose the spirit will hit soon enough.

Michelle said...

Please don't tell my teenagers you can buy black Christmas trees Lol What they don't know wont hurt them right? said...

Your Christmas decorations look lovely, your house must look very Christmassy! Iĺl have to decorate soon now, we had our Saint Nicolas feast yesterday, so now wI can start.
Greetings, Cisca

Sheila said...

Jeanette you are way ahead of me I don't have one single thing out yet and I also had never heard of a black tree , very unusual .You have some really nice decorations.hugs Sheila

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...