Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Flowers & Books


Since i was busy yesterday finishing some projects i didn’t get to my flowers until today. I put Letters to Juliet in the DVD player & proceeded to sit & sew.

Picture 075

1” blooms,

Picture 074

1/2” blooms,

Picture 076

1/4” bloom. I also watched Book Of Eli whilst sewing. Great movies. Recently these 3 books arrived in the mail. Great reading all 3. The Thorn is book 1 in a trilogy. I have to wait until March i think for the next installment. :( 

Picture 077Picture 078

Picture 079



Marion B. said...

The flowers are lovely. Have fun with your reading :-)

Isabella said...

looks like good reading there havent had those ones yet.

foekie's fashion said...

your flowers are looking good! Nice books too.

Karen said...

A very productive day making flowers and lots of reading ahead of you.

Linda said...

1/4" Blooms! You are amazing! They look beautiful! You better read slow!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

All of your flowers are amazing. I just love reading books by Cindy Woodsmall and Beverly Lewis. I didn't know that Ms Lewis had started another trilogy - I'll have to check that one out.

Nata said...

Fein, die neuen Blumen!

Leanne said...

bliss - what an afternoon watching good movies & making flowers for your garden.

I've enjoyed Beverly Lewis's books - have to watch out for The Thorn.

Love Leanne said...

What a lovely flowers you made! They're looking great in all measures. The books look nice!
Greetings, Cisca

Marieke said...

Great flowers, you've made! How are you going to use them? Enjoy the books!

Birdie said...

Lovely hexies, I can't imagine making 1/4" ones, might give it a try someday.

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Hello Jeanette!

Lovely hexies and looks as though you are reading some wonderful books.

Nothing like "curling up" and reading a good book.

Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn :)

Wendy said...

I must try one of those 1/4" hexies some time. Oh and thanks for reminding me of Letters to Juliette. Haven't seen it yet. It is so relaxing to sew while watching a good movie. I watched "A Time to Kill" last night...tough subject matter but great message. And I finished my one hexie for the week.

Sheila said...

Very pretty flowers Jeanette , you amaze me with how many you can make each week , I was just too busy this week to even think about it . Interesting books too!

Lorraine said...

Love your hexie's......the books look interesting..I am always on th look out for a good book to read......not that I get a lot of time for reading but I like to have one on the bedside table for the times I can't get to sleep.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...