Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentines Swap

I was only thinking yesterday "i wonder when my parcel will arrive from my swap partner & where it will come from". Today the dog started barking like mad just as i heard my front gate click. Out i went to see the parcel deliverer diving out the gate quick smart. He left the parcel sitting on the post. Little does he know that all the dog will do is jump allover him & lick him to death. So my Valentines Swap had arrived. Off i came inside to eagerly open to see what lovely goodies had been sent to me.
 The box it arrived in. All the way from Portugal. The lovely goodies were sent to me by Isabel. Thankyou Isabel for the lovely gifts. I love the beautiful hearts you made me.
The first heart.Covered in adorable buttons.
One side of the 2nd heart. All covered in beautiful embroidery.

 The other side.A cute little bird.

 Gorgeous threads, ric rac & buttons.
Mustn't forget the yummy looking chocolate. No i haven't eaten any yet. Even though today was a lot cooler the chocolate was still soft. It's in the fridge waiting for me to sit and relax later so i can enjoy them.

 I was so eager to take a photo of all my gifts i didn't even take the wrapper of this handy date book. Isabel must of figured i love cats. :) Lol.

This is the inside. Such an adorable & useful gift.

 Once again Thankyou Isabel.


Wendy said...

What a great package. Those hearts are really pretty.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Jeanette, lovely goodies. :) It is so exciting getting parcels in the mail, isn't it? Sandy.

Cat said...

What a lovely package Isabel put together for you and the hearts are so adorable and yummy look at all that chocolate!
Thanks for posting - I can't wait to see what everyone received.

kraftier said...

oh God the package arrived!!!
i have been very concerned. did it arrived ? and arrived ok ? did she like it ?
thanks for your kind words

Beeshebags said...

Lucky girl....and all the way from Portugal, I bet you were hopping about with excitement. Mine arrived today and I love it. Can't wait for the Easter swap now! Hugs Naomi

Sheila said...

You received some really nice goodies Jeanette , so nice to have the postman deliver these kind of parcels ;) hugs SHeila

Karen said...

Now that is a really nice package from Isabel!

Linda said...

What a wonderful package of goodies!! I so love those adorable hearts!! :-)

alex said...

its a really nice package. i love it.Thanks for sharing... keep it up and we will be waiting for your next post.
Edina MN Realty
Gift Baskets

alex said...

lovely.. love the hearts..
keep sharing..

Gift Baskets
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Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...