Monday, November 23, 2009

Heat & Finishes

Despite the soaring heat i've managed to get all my commitments done for the swap's i'm in. Can't show those photo's yet. :) but i can show the 2 cushion covers & another bag i finished. Also finished yesterday in my marathon sewing day was these 2 bon bons.

Yes the bag is a little different to the first one i made. The band at the top is a pale colour.

Thes are the hexagons i received from Lyn in the hexagon challenge. I've an idea in my head but just have to see if it will work with the size Lyn has given us to work with.

Hugzz, Jeanette


Cubby House Crafts said...

Love your bon bons! I made one a while ago but used a red fabric...but I really like the lighter fabric that you've used...stitchery seems to stand out more! Lisa

Julia said...

Love your bon bons! that's a great idea for Christmas gifts.
Have fun with the hexies...I'm sure you'll come up with something beautiful!
Julia ♥

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You have been the bon bons.

Andrea said...

Hi Jeanette,
Love your blog, really taken with the two Bon-Bons, what a lovely idea.

Thanks for entering the Buderim Patchwork blog giveaway. Good Luck in the draw.

We hope you enjoyed your visit and will enjoy many return visits.

- Andrea

Cath Ü said...

You seem to be getting lots finished... please tell me your secret... I love the bon bons
Cath Ü

Diana said...

oh you have been very busy, love the idea of the Bon Bons and the cushions are so pretty, love the fabric.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette, I too love the bon bons, and the bag....Warm Regards Lyn

Lois said...

Very nice Jeanette and i also love the bon bons,what a good idea, was that one of your patterns

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