Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today is the day. :) finally

Well the 1st of December has finally arrived & i can start opening all those lovely gifts sent to me by Jenny.

Look at all these lovely gifts. All wrapped in gorgeous butterfly print paper except the main one which is in a lovely piece of Christmas fabric. Jenny didn't number the presents so i get to have a lucky dip. woo hoo.
Here's number 1. No i didn't take it first 'cause it was a big present.. I just stuck my hand in & that is what i pulled out. :)
And this is what i found. A lovely candle cover. Tried to get a clear photo. It has frangapanis etched around it. Aren't i lucky to get such a sweet gift. Thankyou Jenny.
Hugzz, Jeanette


Cloth Doll Lover said...

Very nice Jeanette, you will have so much fun with opening them all.

Unknown said...

Ooooooo! Niiiiccccee! Jeanette, what fun and boy can't wait til tomorrow! lol!

Kim said...

Very pretty.

Khris said...

Advent swaps are so much fun hey....lucky you...hugs Khris

FNSI October

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