Monday, November 16, 2009

Parcel Delivery For ME !!!!!

Ooooo i'm so excited & don't know how i'll wait until Decmber 1st before i can start opening my Advent gifts from Jenny. The lovely parcel man just delivered this to my front door. Just as well my son heard the man before me or the parcel man might have got a shock at my excitement. Now if only he would be kind enough to deliver my Angel gifts to me which seem to be still wandering to post offices of the world & 2 books which are on back order.Hugs, Jeanette


Joy said...

Ooooh, how exciting!!! Still waiting for my Angel swaps too. Maybe 'blogland' is clogging up 'post office land' with all these fun swaps he he he.
Joy :o)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

How exciting......

Jenny of Elefantz said...

And my parcel from you sits bright and cheery at my feet...can't wait for December 1st! \o/

Julia said...

How exciting Jeanette..
now be good and wait till Dec. 1st.
I think most of us blogger are waiting on parcels..
Julia ♥

FNSI February

I had a nice early start to my day. First thing to do was get out the scrap basket of blues to make this months RSC blocks. Fabrics chosen t...