Saturday, April 11, 2020

FNwF April (2)

Sad to say not much has changed since my last post. Still stuck in this dreadful 2020. Each morning I wake hoping for a miracle but so far it hasn't happened.

Ah well at least I had a lovely 2nd FNwF again hosted by lovely Cheryll. Thankyou Cheryll.

I gave myself a stern talking to since for months & months now I've struggled with any desire to sit & sew at the machine. Out came my poor Tail Feathers quilt. I think I started stitching the blocks about 2012. Then in 2016 I put the first row together. Erk didn't realise until now that it had been 4 years since it had seen the light of day.

Fast forward now to April 10 2020 & this is the result so far.
Tiny squares added to bottom of row 1. Sashings around all the blocks in row 2 & then sewn into a row, more tiny squares added along the bottom, row 3 blocks sashed & sewn together, added to the top & the last of the tiny blocks added.
Then I had to scrounge around in the fabric cupboard to find the rest of the t on t background fabric. Hmmm must of used that up but found one very similar. I had to call it quits here as it was time to finish putting tea together.

So I read pattern to see what is left to do. A log cabin row around it with applique birds in corners which I'm hoping to do today. Then a final plain border. Now here's where the panic set in. Did I buy the fabric for that border & binding & if so where have I put it.  A search of the fabric cupboard resulted in nothing. What to do as the fabric I used is an old range. Last night I asked for help on IG & my prayers were answered. A friend had a large piece of 1 of the 4 pieces I was looking for. I was so happy as I didn't want Tail Feathers to be relegated yet again to the ufo pile. So crossing fingers it will be a flimsy at last by next weekend.

Last night saw me adding more stitches to block 3 of the Facebook Love & Hugs from Australia patterns. I haven't been doing 1 a day, just puttering along at my own pace.

All I did here last night was the bee's trails, the words & started on the border.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links on who joined in & what lovely projects was worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Julie said...

Lovely projects Jeanette. I hope you manage to get all the fabrics you need to finish that beautiful quilt top off. I must pop over to that facebook page as I have seen those stitchery designs on instagram. Hang in there my friend - this will all be behind us one day. We are all feeling a bit like you do. Happy Easter Jeanette. xx

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Your quilt is coming along so nicely and I'm glad you managed to find the right fabric to finish it off. I love that bee block and have started it too, but seem to be distracted and don't sit down for long to embroider. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend xx

Maria said...

Pleased you got out TFs and are busy working on it as it's such a pretty quilt. Good luck sourcing the rest of the needed fabrics..
Sweet stitching on your block. still need to trace and stat stitching mine.

Cheryll said...

That's so lucky regarding finding some fabric. Thank heavens for FRieNDS.
Your tail feathers quilt will be gorgeous. Well done.
Thanks for joining in FNwF again...xox

Fiona said...

so glad to see Tail Feathers out... it is such a sweet quilt and wonderful that someone had the fabric you need.... quite amazing really from a range a while ago...
Happy Easter....

loulee said...

Your Tail Feathers project is looking lovely. I remember being very tempted by that one and seeing yours makes me want to do it.
I have been collecting the Love and hugs projects, but didn't even start on any yet.

Karen S said...

I am pleased to see you back working on the quilt. You have so much work already done on it.
And it is great that you are working on the stitcheries, too. They are lovely designs.

Susan said...

I'm sure you are glad you are finally on a roll with tail feathers.....the cyber world is so useful!
i cant believe that some people are up to date with Love/Hugs and even putting blocks together...sigh...not me

Michelle Ridgway said...

It will be a lovely finish and great you managed to source some of the fabric you need. Nice stitching on L& H I am not rushing lovely to rush xx

Karen's Korner said...

That was a lucky break getting the fabric. Pretty bee stitchery.

kiwikid said...

Well done on your ufo, hopefully now you have the fabric you will get it finished. Your stitchery is pretty.

Susie H said...

Very pretty works! Always love anything with bees! Have a good week!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...