Monday, May 8, 2017


First ufo i worked on was this cute garden stitchery by Gail Pan.
The red borders had to be sewn on first then appliqued to the beautiful background fabric. Today i hope to get the decorations sewn on & then quilted.

After that it was onto my pineapple tablerunners

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Wow my friend you sure are amazing ,love your pinapple runner boy you are whipping these finishes out,welldone Jeanette on your beautiful finishes xx

Pamela said...

Your tablerunners are gorgeous!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beautiful sewing Jeanette. Your table runners are gorgeous!

Susan said...

Perfect fabric for that stitchery

Maria said...

WOW ! Shez and you amaze me how many projects you get finished. Well done.

Anthea said...

Wow so much sewing in those pineapple blocks Jeanette... both projects so lovely!

Raewyn said...

Love that stitchery by Gail Pan, the background fabric is perfect! Lovely pineapple runners too -you are having lots of finishes- well done!

Fiona said...

yup - I'm in love with the pineapple blocks all over again!


FNwF March

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